What is Steemit to me... Entry for CateredContent.com Contest

in #cateredcontent5 years ago

Image from Artturi Mäntysaari at Pixabay

Steemit is not only a social platform driven by blockchain technology. For me, it is an opportunity to grow, to get to know communities in other countries. Sharing ideas and getting to know customs. It is to realize that we are all equal. No matter where we are, we are all human beings with needs, desires, beliefs, and problems.

Steemit has been a means of subsistence from the beginning for me. A means through which we could witness that the technology of blockchain and cryptocurrencies can be a feasible economic means over an economic system that does not work (not to say, destroyed).

Steem-it is a constantly evolving technology. Initially, it was created to reward content, written material and artistic drawings. But, being based on blockchain (a disruptive technology) keeps changing, growing, mutating. Giving rise to decentralized applications like D.tube (video), SteemMonsters and Drugwars (games) and many others that you can find here

How can You create an account?

There are several options to sign up to Steemit, among them are:

Steemit Sign up service
Free: Up to 2 weeks for getting the account, includes account recovery

Blocktrades account creation
Small Fee: Includes Instant account creation, password recovery and password back up

Steem Ninja
Small Fee: Includes Instant account creation and referral rewards system

Steem Monsters (Splinterlands)
Get a Starter set for a small price with a Steem account included!

There are several other ways to create a Steem Account

Once you register within Steemit, you have access to all Steem Dapps and interfaces

Don't think twice. Come and join us

Photo byrawpixel.com from Pexels


Nice post and I love your picture!


Posted using Partiko Android

Thaaank you. 😊 🐾💖

What about this?


I didn't know which one of them would look better ;P

Ajaaaa! Se me habia olvidao que sabes español jajaja

Holaaa! Tu tambien!!! Jajajjajaja, eso no me lo esperaba!


Hellooo! You also speak Spanish!!!?!? Hahahahaha, I didn't expect that!

Ah viste? pa' que pasar trabajo hablando ingles si sabemos castellano! jaaa

Jajajaja. Bueno, es verdad. Pero es que estoy tratando de dominar el idioma y ademas tengo mas lectores ingleses que españoles. Irónico, no es cierto?


Hahahaha. Well, it's true. But I'm trying to master the language and I have more English than Spanish readers. Ironic, isn't it?

Ah caray, pos pa' que me lo escribes doble? Estas practicando conmigo? jejeje

Jajajaja! es que a veces me leen los comentarios. O por lo menos pienso que lo hacen...

Oyeeeee, tu como que no publicas mucho por aqui... te dejo el votito en tu comment entonces jejeje

Cómo que no???

Claro que sí. El problema es que se va mucho la luz. Hay un problema gravísimo con el sistema eléctrico aquí en Venezuela. El domingo se fue la luz por 18 horas. Imagínate!

Además, también visito otros posts y les echo un ojo para votarles y comentarles su buen trabajo. Steemit tiene que salir pa’ lante. Ya hay mucha gente que se ha ido.

Grrrrraaciaasss por el Voto!


What do you mean?????

Oh, yes, I do. The problem is that the light goes out a lot. There is a very serious problem with the electrical system here in Venezuela. On Sunday the light went out for 18 hours. Imagine that!

Besides, I also visit other posts and I keep an eye on them to vote for them and comment to them about their good work. Steemit has to prevail. There are already many people who have left.

Thaaannnks for the Vote!

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