Why would anarchists beg government for permission to use plants? Cannabis "Legalization" is a lie!

in #cannabis4 years ago

Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante, Anarchast, Anarchapulco) supports cannabis "legalization" and the monopolization of the industry by government and corporate insiders, while claiming to be an anarchist and freedom-lover!

In this video (titled "The Man Who Ended the War on Drugs"), Jeff schmoozes with an unknown guy with a beard, who appears to have helped soften government's tone toward hemp somewhere in the US a few years ago. Neither of them knows a thing about cannabis for medical uses, and can only talk about the financial benefits of legalization.

My reaction comment, on the LBRY upload:

"Jeff, your understanding of this concept is dismal. You opened with "a big part of decriminalization, or legalization.."
Or? Those two things are opposites!
Then the nobody with the beard comes on and starts by calling cannabis "hemp". This shows he either doesn't know what he's talking about, or he's deeply embedded in the government system and beliefs. Hemp is a government word, as is marijuana. It has no scientific or logical meaning.
Then he talked about how he worked with government to get permission. This isn't anarchy, Jeff, this is socialism.
Legalization is all about government control. Decriminalization is all about power to the people, and depowering the government.
The current movement sweeping the world, beginning with Canada and now many US states, is legalization. It's just destruction of the current industry (anarchists) to make way for a corporate monopoly.
This guy is a NOBODY socialist profiteer insider, and it's gross that you gave him a platform, and called him "the man who ended the war on drugs"! Insulting, wow.
You didn't mention any real activists who have been trying to decriminalize for decades.
You didn't mention amnesty, either. Millions of cannabis "criminals" are rotting in jail and now profiteers like you and this guy are gushing about how things are "getting so much better" and "we've come a long way". Fuck you guys. Either you're ignorant of the facts, or you're corrupt. Probably both.
Thousands of Canadians going to jail now, for cannabis, under "legalization". 14 years now, instead of 3! To protect the legalized monopoly you're supporting with your legal purchases, Jeff. Those legal dollars go toward busting activists like my wife and I, who have been fighting for REAL decriminalization for many years. She's got cancer and cannabis oil is the only thing keeping her alive, so we have some skin in this game. Please watch my 45 minute documentary "Cannabis Legalization is a Lie": https://steemit.com/threespeak/@drutter/refubvbe"

And my comment on YouTube was similar:

It's insulting to call him the man who ended the war on drugs!
The war on drugs has INTENSIFIED with "legalization" because it's all about government control! Shame on you for promoting larger government and stricter regulations on a safe plant that has never harmed anyone! This guy is nobody, he's done nothing, and you're calling him THE person who ended the war on drugs?!
If legalization was ending the war on drugs, why are cannabis crimes 14 years in prison now instead of 3? Here in Canada, police forces doubled in size to handle the new crimes under legalization... stoned driving infractions for example. There's a CSU, community safety unity, with new powers of warrantless search and seizure, ANYWHERE IN CANADA, any time, for any reason. If they think you have cannabis not grown by the government insiders, you're toast. Pass a joint to a 20 year old? 14 years in prison. Grow a plant? 14 years in prison. There are snitch lines, now, where you can report people using or growing cannabis outside the legal regime. Snitch lines! Jeff, you're supporting tyranny, and calling it anarchy! What in the actual fuck, are you really so ignorant about this topic that you believe prohibition is ending in any way shape or form?
See my 45 minute documentary "Cannabis Legalization is a Lie" on Steem, 3Speak, Bitchute, etc.
Please stop supporting legalization, which funnels resources into continuing to keep cannabis illegal, prohibited, expensive, and hard to obtain.
This guy with the beard? Nobody has heard of him in the activism world. He's a newcomer, a profiteer, a fake. Giving him ANY airtime was a bad move, let alone calling him the man who ended the war on drugs. That's so laughable it SHOWS without a shadow of a doubt that you've got zero idea what you're talking about here, just like the bearded guy. Hearing him try to talk about the medical benefits of cannabis was shocking. He's a businessman, not an anarchist! Seriously, calling that fat profiteer an anarchist or activist, that's shameful.
Wow, Jeff, just wow. This could be what proves to us all that you're a fake, if you don't see the light on this and turn around quick. If you continue to support legalization, we know you're a government shill, no two ways about it. Legalization is the definition of tyranny and big government, anyone who has done ten minutes of research into cannabis history and activism knows this."

Wow, it's hard to stay cool when a topic THAT close to home comes up! My life has been harmed for years by cannabis prohibition, including my wife going to jail for no legitimate reason, and it's only getting worse under "legalization". Jeff, supposedly leading the world in anarchy and libertarianism, one of the world's most recognized anarchists, is actively supporting legalization! He's either corrupt, or woefully ignorant.

Help me ensure that he can't claim ignorance on this topic anymore. Tell Jeff, and anyone else who will listen, that cannabis legalization is a scam! Cannabis is a good thing, but "Legalization" is just code for government control and loss of liberty. It's a trap! They want it legal, so they have more control, and we have less Liberties. It seems counter-intuitive, but we have to AVOID the trap of legalization, and demand NOTHING short of complete decriminalization!

I will never stop until prohibition has ended, and "legalization" is prohibition 2.0, so my fight for freedom continues. Please help. I don't want to be fighting this battle all my life. I'd like to move on to other things. We should have figured cannabis freedom out decades ago. It's disturbing I have to be making this post, and I feel pretty discouraged that nobody is likely to even read it, or understand it, or help me... but if you're there, please, don't let legalization take away more of our freedoms. Help me stop it, and get REAL cannabis freedom, which is the end of prohibition, the end of criminalization, the TRUE end of the war on drugs.

Cannabis Legalization is a Lie (2019, 45 mins)




You are bringing up a great point. It is crazy how people are begging for the government to tax this sacred herb. Why the fuck should we trust the government to be responsible, and also why should we not expect them to tax the fuck out of it, that the tax alone is more then the actual medicine?? I always say our medical law here in California was perfect the way it was before the rec law came into effect. Before you would pay 30-60$ once a year, and you where legal. Now you have edibles capped at 100mg. What used to cost 5$ is now 20-25$. I am also seeing 80$ 1/8ths of flower!! Also why should we let someone profit off of something, when just a year ago they where throwing people in jail for what they are getting their pockets fat with.

Those are a few excellent examples of real-world problems associated with "legalization". You're living through it now, and seeing with your own eyes and pockets what it means. Yes there are pros, but there are pros with everything. It's the cons that really weigh in the balance on this issue, because tehre are SO many of them, and they're SO big! Like peaceful people going to jail to protect a corporate monopoly. We wanted to free the plant, not turn it into a new form of poisonous expensive overtaxed cigarettes or booze. The government ruins everything and we shouldn't have let them get their grubby mitts on cannabis. I really don't think they intend to ever really allow cannabis freedom even though it's one of the safest and most peaceful plant medicines known, if not THE safest and most peaceful.
Great points and thanks for your comment!

It is all a ruse to go from one system of control to another. Pretty easy to see through the bullshit and I think this explains why so many Canadians are skipping the dispensaries in favor of home grown or black market instead.

I would prefer to know exactly what is going into and onto my Cannabis so I really don't like going to the dispensary if I don't have to. Unfortunately in between harvests I don't have to many options and since I havent been growing lately that doesnt help either.

Yeah for some people there's no other option, which is part of the problem, and built into the system. I don't blame those people... you gotta do what you gotta do. As long as we keep minimizing our support of that regime and try to get real decrim. That would be awesome.... real freedom again. Seems almost impossible with the way the world is heading sometimes!

Definitely would never support legalized cannabis, knowing those dollars go to busting peaceful gardeners and activists. Legalization should have ENDED prohibition and the drug war. Jeff needs to wise up and stop supporting government's empowerment - legalization.

Anarchists would never support legalization as it is being done. Jeff's greedy side is showing, but this is serious shit. Literally billions of lives are affected by cannabis prohibition on this planet. Doing it wrong could do a lot of harm. We should be careful with legalization and ensure it's not monopolization.... which so far, it is :(

Never looked at that way but it does make sense. Prayers and positive thoughts headed to your and the family. Take care.

Fuck these cults

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