Making cannabis oil with ladies' nylons

in #cannabis2 years ago

Here's another example of using household items to create high quality medicine from the cannabis plant. I've talked before about many common things that are excellent for the job - often even better than something from a store specifically sold for that purpose. Coffee filters, razor blades, twist ties, plastic cups and buckets, glass jars and dishes, silicone spatulas, elastic bands... all irreplaceable tools for the experienced home medicine maker. You can try using something else but you'll always come back to the best! Now I want to talk about ladies' nylons, which are cheap, readily available, and perfect for evaporating solvent from glassware!

I've done a lot of posts about growing cannabis plants, making cannabis oil with various methods, and how to use the oil to cure cancer and treat many conditions like PTSD and chronic pain. This is not a full tutorial on those methods.

Instead, this is a tip (or hack) for anyone working with solvents like isopropyl alcohol or ethanol. These solvents are safe to use in extracting cannabinoids from plant material, but must be fully removed from the oil before use. Simple evaporation is enough for most solvents, though some (like butane) require a vacuum oven for proper technique. I'm working with iso.

Properly-cleaned glassware is excellent for working with solvents and cannabinoids. But evaporation is slow at room temperature unless a large surface areas is obtained, like with a glass casserole dish. Unfortunately, this allows objects and dust to fall into the medicine.

That's where the nylons come in!

New nylons can be found at dollar stores. After slipping one over the casserole dish, the mixture of isopropanol and cannabinoids is carefully poured in.

Next, the nylon is gently slipped up over the end of the casserole dish, covering it completely.

Now, insects or little objects won't fall into your alcohol during the evaporation process, and 99% of dust will be prevented from falling into the medicine. The dish is placed in a warm and well-ventilated location until all that remains is the pure cannabis oil, which can be scooped up with a silicone spatula for transfer to a small medicine dish or syringes.

The nylon allows you to evaporate solvent at high speed with large surface area, without contaminating your meds.

(Note: Some extractors put their oil into the oven for about an hour at 210 degrees Fahrenheit, after evaporating off the solvent, to guarantee complete evaporation and decarboxylation. The nylon is removed prior to the dish going in the oven.)

A couple drops of that stuff on a bite of food, or just absorbed under the tongue, will send most people on a wonderful and healing journey! 60 grams of it will cure most cancers. But quality cannabis oil is not found in "legalized" cannabis stores, so knowing how to make it properly at home is very important!

Knowledge like this is known by few, and highly censored in the mainstream, so thank you for helping me get it seen by more people.

Over the past 5 years, my articles have shown we already have everything we need to grow cannabis and isolate the medicine in our homes. Nylons are a valuable tool for the home cannabis oil extractor!


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