The Fastest way to turn the poulation into Meth heads

Recently New Zealand finally released a Salvia Drug testing standard which will give employers a Testing standard that actually shows something - like IMPAIRMENT!!
For the past 15 odd years, NZ has only had the ability to test using a urine drug screening cup which only shows that someone is a weed smoker - not necessarily if they are wasted on the job
If we are serious about safety in the workplace then a Salvia test will actually show if the person has smoked weed in the previous 8 hours.
People have wised up to this and a year or so ago a friend of mine (who i know smokes every day) called me to say he failed a workplace urine drug screen for pot. I asked him what he was going to do now? - he said he has to stop smoking weed as they want to test him again in 30 days time!
I called my mate a week later to see how not smoking weed every day was going for him, he said its all good...he said he started smoking METH as he found out the detection time is around 24-36 hours after use ...Fuck me senseless!


There is such a massive gravy train industry which is why its taken us so long to adopt Salvia testing.
Urine testing is big brother basically saying you can't do that out of work on the weekends etc.
I have told my last 2 Managers that if they want me to a urine drug test - they can go Fuck themselves :)

So Continue to Urine drug test and turn a nation of potheads into a nation of METH heads

i know which person i would rather be around - the potheads


I am @dr-autoflower

all pictures i stole from google


I dont think people should be stoned on the job if its a safety issue but someone shouldnt be fired for being medicated and not impaired, which I can see this device still picking up. Most people will just not smoke before work or find a way around it vs becoming meth heads, but Ive known those people too so even a 0.5% increase in meth heads is way too much. Any law enforcing a drug test is something I wouldnt support but if someone is working with possibly dangerous equipment that person shouldnt be working that job if they are stoned.

Posted using Partiko Android

you are so right!

thanks for stopping by :)

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