If you want riches go out and grab them.

in #busy6 years ago



At the moment I'm watching "The last kingdom" on Netflix. It a good watch and involves lots of vikings, pillaging the country and murdering the English . A show after my own heart. When they want wealth or land they go out and take it. Now to be fair we can't really gather up an army with axes and sword to storm Facebook and take the wealth but we can metaphorically do the same thing.

We have the makings of an army, the generals at least. Enough to start recruiting foot soldiers and creating the artillery. STEEM will be our silver.

It's great to see so many people are going out and grabbing the STEEM that is there at a discount price right now. If you believe in what the blockchain has done and is positioned to do then now is your chance. I've seen so many posts in the past few days about people buying up the discounted STEEM and I have to agree with them. Now this might not even be near the bottom and it could all crash and burn horribly but I don't think so. I'm one of the people trying to take this opportunity as we build towards the future.

I was on the site when prices were going crazy and everybody was saying it was such a shame that they missed the boat. That if only they could have bought at 50c or even better 7c when nobody knew what lay in store. Well this is that chance and it's great to see so many people grabbing it with both hands. Even if it's just a few that they are purchasing it represents a swing in the balance of power.

We all know that the whales have the majority of STEEM in circulation but there could be the emergence of a good sized middle class developing after this market crash. Looking at stats from the 11th of October there 1843 Dolphins and 8913 Minnows. These stats are taken form a post by @arcange


You can also see form his post how heavily the voting power is stacked towards those 35 whale accounts.


What will be interesting to see in a months time is how many new minnows and dolphins have been created and how much more power they will have in terms of voting power and how things are run. @taskmaster4450 often posts about how the system is working and that power is slowly shifting and spreading downwards among more accounts as the intention was. Will this speed up the process and will some of the whales shed power as the market drops??

I will be checking back in with interest when all of his is over and things pick up. Checking to see where all the cards have fallen.



Lol that's cool😂

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey! Do you know why we are getting paid in Steem, SP and SBD?

Posted using Partiko Android

It has to do with keeping sbd at a dollar. They have reduced the supply of sbd to bring up the demand. That's why we are getting paid in steem for the moment.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ohh okay cool. Thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

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