in #busy7 years ago



We all laughed at the little girl's mischievous behavior. While all our attention had been focused on him. Even eyes Lek Kijan and Bi Yem never loose. Although it was a bit dark, I could see that the cheeks changed color. Somewhat blushing. she blushed, then beat me with her hand.
"Kakang evil! Kang Inun is evil! Kakang ngerjain me in front of the father huh ?! "
I was denied by the body so that I almost fell a few times. I can not help but laugh. So did both parents. But I am ashamed of the incident. I was ashamed of both his parents. But the fragrance of the body made me forget.

Kami semua tertawa melihat kelakuan gadis kecil itu salah tingkah. Sementara sedari tadi perhatian kami semua terfokus padanya. Bahkan mata Lek Kijan dan Bi Yem tidak pernah lepas-lepas. Walau agak gelap, aku bisa melihat pipi itu berubah warna. Agak merona. dia tersipu-sipu, lantas memukuliku dengan tangannya.
“Kakang jahat! Kang Inun jahat! Kakang ngerjain aku di depan ayah ya?!”
Tubuhku ditolak-tolaknya sehingga aku hampir beberapa kali terjungkal. Aku tidak bisa menahan tawaku. Begitu juga kedua orang tuanya. Tetapi aku malu atas kejadian itu. Aku malu pada kedua orang tuanya. Tetapi wangi tubuh itu membuat aku lupa.

The wind is rotating. I drifted to the top of the plantation behind the house. My body leaned against the wall of the hut that was used as a warehouse where poison, spray and other farming tools. My view freely sweeping the plant that spread wide. Drifted in the green sea, soybean and vegetables on the other side. The rustle of coconut leaves brought my dreams away, in touch with the nuances of nature. How beautiful the scenery. I saw Yanti like a princess in the middle of a park. He again picked vegetables in the garden that was deliberately provided for the goulash.

Angin bersemilir. Aku terlena-lena di puncak perkebunan belakang rumah. Tubuhku bersandaran pada dinding gubuk yang dijadikan gudang tempat racun, semprot dan alat-alat pertanian lain. Pandanganku leluasa menyapu tanaman yang terhampar luas. Hanyut dalam laut kehijauan, tanaman kedelai dan sayur-sayuran di sebelah sana. Desiran daun kelapa membawa anganku mengawang, bersentuhan nuansa alam. Betapa indahnya pemandangan. Aku melihat Yanti seperti seorang putri di tengah sebuah taman. Dia lagi memetik sayur-sayuran di kebun yang sengaja disediakan untuk tanaman gulai.

I noticed that he was so cheerful to live a life of sedehana, sometimes colorless. All day he was busy helping his father and mother in the garden, then cooking. Never married him? Has the girl ever thought about her life and her future? I stare. Why can people live life in peace and quiet while their surroundings are in trouble? I do not think they want to think about it. Simply accept what it is. The important thing is to eat, have a house and have fun. That's the only way they live. Then what about God? Can damaikah his heart?

Kuperhatikan dia begitu ceria menjalani hidup sedehana, yang terkadang tanpa warna. Seharian dia sibuk membantu ayah dan ibunya di kebun, kemudian memasak. Tak pernah sepikah dia? Pernahkah gadis itu memikir tentang hidup dan masa depannya kelak? Aku tercenung. Mengapa orang-oranmg dapat menjalani hidup dengan tenang dan damai sedangkan sekelilingnya dililiti kesusahan? Kukira mereka tidak mau berpikir pelik-pelik. Cukup menerima apa adanya. Yang penting bisa makan, punya rumah dan bersenang-senang. Hanya itu tujuan mereka hidup. Lalu bagaimana tentang Tuhan? Bisa damaikah hatinya?

They are pretty sure God exists, and they claim Islam is his religion. But they rarely do prayers even though they know they are a sin. The reason is quite a lot and one can not be accepted as the truth. They are sure to enter heaven, but after being brewed in hell. That is the way of the minds of ordinary people, abangan. I see Yanti and Bi Yem are packing home. While passing the path picked a few shoots again cassava leaves. At the crossroads, Yanti hands it over to her mother. Then he came to me. He seems more cheerful than the days before. It's hard for me to translate the meaning of his smile. I looked away, to hide my worries.

Mereka cukup yakin Tuhan itu ada, dan mereka mengaku Islam itu agamanya. Tetapi mereka jarang mengerjakan shalat walau tahu meninggalkannya suatu dosa. Alasannya cukup banyak dan satupun tidak bisa diterima sebagai kebenaran. Mereka yakin kelak masuk surga, tetapi setelah digodok dalam neraka. Begitulah jalan pikiran orang-orang awam, abangan. Kulihat Yanti dan Bi Yem sedang berkemas pulang. Sambil melalui jalan setapak dipetiknya beberapa pucuk lagi daun singkong. Di persimpangan jalan itu, Yanti menyerahkannya pada ibunya. Lantas dia menghampiriku. Kelihatanya dia lebih ceria dari hari-hari sebelumnya. Sulit bagiku menterjemahkan arti senyumnya. Aku membuang muka, untuk menyembunyikan kegemasan.

Continued..../ Bersambung

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