The Chaos (The death and the new life)

in #busy5 years ago

Not Bilingual

Source of the image

He found himself in the middle of nowhere, he doesn’t even know his name, where he comes from, and what language he speaks. He doesn’t even care about all of those things. The man feels the pain in his head, his chest, and his throat. These are more than enough to make him stop thinking who he is for little while. He is laying down in the air, actually floating. He saw the body beneath himself, He stares that body which is laying down on the rock, he recognizes it, that is his own body. 3 dark shadows come closer to the body, they are holding machete, they want to tear him apart, or it has been torn apart. His eyes blinking in slow motion, while he tries to turn way, he doesn’t want to look at that. The body is his, but he doesn’t have any power to stop what they are doing or about to do.

Suara-suara tanpa wujud terus menerus menghantui, rasa sedih menyesakkan. Gontai langkah mengikuti kemana kaki hendak menyeret nasib yang mesti dijalani. Pilu memang, tapi inilah jalan yang mesti dilalui. Tidak usah ada air mata yang merinai setapak ini. Sepasang mata terus saja menatap remang jalanan menanjak, tak dihirau beberapa binatang melata yang mulai keluar dari sarangnya dan merasa aneh melihat ada sesosok manusia yang berjalan di keremangan hutan belantara tanpa setitik cahayapun. Hanya keyikan dalam dadanya yang sunyi.

He did not do what was alleged to him by the rest of the villagers. He was not the only one need to be blamed for that sin. But he knows what is really happened. He chooses to keep silent, because he knows that it does not need to argue anymore, it was not about right or wrong. Neither he nor the lady is innocent at that point. He loves a woman that he want to marry, but it was not allowed, so he keeps walking to the river while three men are guarding him for his last breath. They wear the black mask to cover their face, but he recognizes them really well. He realizes that he just a few step away from his death, he smiles looking at the ground. At the cliff edge he is turning his face toward to the executor and the villagers, looking at their face real slow and giving his best smile.

Bulir-bulir embun mulai membasuh pepucuk daun, rimba semakin gelap, hanya deru nafasnya saja yang mampu dia dengarkan. Seirama dengan degup jantung yang memompa dara ke seluruh pembuluh di tubuhnya. Dia merasa hidup dalam kamatian harapan memiliki cinta yang pernah dia idamkan. Baginya tidak lagi mengapa. Karena semua sudah jelas tertera dalam lembar lembar nasip, hanya perlu dijalani dengan keyakinan dan ketegaran seorang lelaki. Hidupnya terus menerus mencampakkannya pada ketiadaan. Dia adalah lelaki yang kasar, menjalani hidup dengan kasar, bekerja sebagai kuli kerja kasar ditempat-tempat kusam. Baru saja dia tanggalkan semua miliknya hatinya tidak lagi memiliki apapun kecuali sebuah keyakinan untuk menuju sunyi. Tidak ada lagi handphone yang dimiliki atau hendak dimilikinya. Baginya itu hanya membangkitkan kenangan yang teramat pahit, sementara ia ingin melupakan. Tidak ada ketakutan dalam mata tajamnya menatap gelap yang terhampar didepannya. Hanya kerinduan untuk menemukan keheningan tanpa batas.

The machetes are swinging to his throat, his chest, and his head. He did not move any millimeter from where he stand. He feels nothing at all, when his body if falling down the cliff right into the river, and his blood is splattering the grass and the villagers are cheering up, but one. The lady is keeping herself in silent with her pale face staring at the man. One by one the villagers return home with the happiness. They don’t even know the truth behind the execution. What they want to see is what they have been told to believe. No fair judgment need to be done for such the case, that is TABU. The man need to be killed that way, and everyone happy to see the way the man is killed.

Tidak ada lagi nomor telpon atau hape ataupun medsos yang bisa menemukan keberadaannya sekarang, dia telah ditelan bumi dalam keheningannya. Dia telah memutuskan untuk tidak memakai telepon ataupun nomor yang dapat dihubungi. Terlalu muak dengan dunia komunikasi tanpa batas yang bertahun telah dijalaninya tanpa memberi manfaat berarti untuk kehidupannya. Dia telah memutuskan untuk pergi selamanya dari kehidupan itu, dan kini dia hidup dengan apa yang ada pada dirinya. Dengan cinta yang dia simpan rapat-rapat dalam celah bebatuan berlumut belantara paling purba hatinya. Sebelum dia beranjak pergi dia membaca sekilas pesan bernada makian pada layar ponsel pintarnya, lalu ditariknya nafas panjang dan dihembusnya perlahan.

“Aku telah memaki orang sekian lama, kini giliranku dimaki dan dianggap hina. Ya aku dimaki karena aku memiliki cinta yang tidak dimiliki orang lain.” Gumamnya.
Seulas senyum perih disudut bibrnya, tapi dia tidak menyesal telah mencintai dan melakukan apapun yang mungkin bisa menyatukan mereka. Meski yang terjadi tidaklah sesuai harapannya.


With my best regard


Hope for the best and prepare for the worst

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This is not bilingual but mixed language😂😂😂 darn it.. you showing up yourself with this kinda creepy but nice story to read @el-nailul.. how's life?

Nice job @el-nailul I enjoyed it. I think the machete part creeped out @cicisaja.

😂😂😂 thank you @tryskele for highlight the part 😆 I miss @el-nailul posts recently, and that's how a sister treat the brother in our habit😅

NO worry, as long as @pifc is still rolling on, I will be online at least once a week.

those are 2 different fiction things @tryskele. thank for visiting me my friend, wish you all the best

I am heading away, while still have time to write creepy things kak @cicisaja. I have no more phone since the last one has been using by fishes ( I guess)... :D

Humm.. your phone was swimming with fishes?

Yes including 3 others, soaking in the salty water, but mine was not found anymore :D, I handed my phone to my friend to carry it, but their canoe was flipped out

That's sound terrible.. why then you brought your phone while canoeing?

A bit of a sad story here my friend! Execution has brought much pain to many families!

that is only simple fiction after heading away for little while my friend @papilloncharity

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