Book Review: Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend

in #books8 years ago (edited)

Book Review: Reich of the Black Sun

Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend


Welcome, Steemians, to another book review on Steemit. In this review I’ll be covering another masterful work by Joseph P. Farrell: Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons & the Cold War Allied Legend.

As I said in my previous reviews here and here, we Steemians are all about breaking paradigms and building new ones. This is Steemit’s mission, to revolutionize social media, blogging, and publication, and by doing so, to change the world. Isn’t it liberating to not have to go through the gatekeepers to get the work you believe in out to the world? And get paid?

Joseph P. Farrell just may be the most important non-fiction writer alive today, and has gotten past the gatekeepers thanks to alternative publisher Adventures Unlimited Press, owned by David Hatcher Childress and purveyor of the lion’s share of Farrell’s work. To see why I aver that Farrell is the most important non-fiction writer around these days, you can read my introduction to him in this review. I also suggest you check out the recommended reading order of the books if you want to get the most out them. I’m finding that, having gone back to his first book The Giza Death Star, I missed a lot of the groundwork that would’ve enriched my experience of the later books I’ve already read.


Joseph P. Farrell

Reich of the Black Sun is Farrell’s third book and the first in the “Nazi thread” in his corpus. It is truly the most riveting and illuminating book about WWII I have ever read, and it's as dangerous to the TPTB as anything else he's written.

Whereas he attacks the “official narrative” of 9/11 in Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery, in this one he goes after the post-war “Allied Legend.” This basically amounts to a bunch of incompetents who had no idea what they were doing whether working on advanced weapons research or atom bombs. You know the Legend, there was a TV show about it:


Make no mistake though. While Farrell dismantles the allied deceptions and myth-making about the state of the German military-industrial complex, this is not an attack on the allies’ involvement in the war to begin with, nor their motives. That is reserved for other works. Here, Farrell fearlessly assesses the true state of Nazi research, advances, weaponry and deployment. He uncovers hitherto unknown (in the West) atrocities that resulted from the deployment of these weapons, and the ugliest aspects of Nazi research and development to enable those advances.

We learn not only that many Nazi scientists were not brilliant men thrust into impossible circumstances, but that they were fully willing ideological participants. Worse still, they brought their perversions to the West with them by their thousands after the war through Operation Paperclip to infect our own culture.

This book is so dense with information it’s hard to summarize. It's not so much a narrative as it is vignettes that form puzzle pieces that, when assembled give a fuller picture than has been previously available. There is extensive quoting of transcripts, trials, declassified documents, firsthand accounts, patents, and analyses. These are necessary for Farrell is covering ground where conventional historians fear to tread, and he has a point to make. It is enormous and comes with colossal implications.

Nevertheless, let’s have a go at it.

The most important framework of Nazi research during the war that Farrell points out is the dreaded Kammlerstab within the SS Sonderkammando. The Sonderkommando handled the most secret and sensitive research for the Third Reich. By the end of the war, SS General Hans Kammler had built it into a “secret weapons empire” as Farrell puts it.

Kammler was a vicious and twisted, but brilliant, administrative overlord. As Farrell so cynically points out: “Kammler boasted almost the perfect ‘corporate resume’ and a documentable record of ‘whole person management’ as a ‘team player.’” Think about that next time your company wants to take you out some weekend for “team building.”


"Ziss weekent ve haff a teambuilting. I trust you vill attend, ya?"

Kammler’s work was so elite, and so secret, that his Sonderkammando was established without the knowledge of Hermann Goering, or Albert Speer, or any other Nazi leader with the exception of the chief bean counter and bill payer, financial genius Martin Bormann.


"I vill pay for ze teambuilting." Dick Cheney without the warmth and charm, as Farrell likes to say.

Without the meddling of any of the Nazi or Wermacht high command, Kammler was free to pursue research in any direction he liked and employ any amount of slave labor for the most dangerous jobs and most hideous tests. As far as the Nazi Party and government were concerned, the Sonderkammando didn’t even exist, “it was completely off the books,” Farrell tells us.

So powerful had Kammler become by the end of the war he outranked Heinrich Himmler, at least in some functions, for a letter survives from Himmler to Kammler requesting the use of a long-range bomber, which Kammler refuses! Put that in your pipe and smoke it! In later chapters, Farrell offers a good speculation as to why Himmler was refused, and it does add up.

In fact, Kammler emerges as perhaps the most fascinating and intriguing character in the Third Reich, partly because of his success, but also because of his historical obscurity. This is truly the evil genius at work, the one that got away with it. By the time you get through Reich of the Black Sun you hate yourself for admiring the wicked brilliance of Hans Kammler and his partner in crime, and superior, Martin Bormann.

Ensconced in the secrecy of non-existence, Kammler was free to pursue the most radical research in physics and weaponry, bankrolled by Deputy Fuhrer Martin Bormann, and unimpeded by moral or ethical restraint. This gave him the ability to pursue an occult science and the occult energy source stated in the title: the Black Sun, a maybe-mythical-maybe-not companion to our own sun and the very origin of the initials SS, for Black Sun in German is Schwarze Sonne (The occult meaning of SS, as opposed to the exoteric Schutzstaffel for public consumption) .

Inspired by this twisted, dark occultism that underlay the foundation of the SS, the Sonderkommando researched, practiced, and engineered a unique, occult brand of physics that led to the most horrifying possibilities.

After establishing this gruesome framework, Farrell goes on to explain some of the weapons and weapon systems in detail. Since this is a summary, I’ll spare the inventory. Let’s just quote a source that Farrell mentions in his book to draw an impression:

“…This fourth team worked in a field that was monstrous on a daily basis. And when I say this, I mean thereby that they experimented with things that a well-informed public would this very day think them to be unthinkable and unbelievable, and thus imaginary….I mean to imply that these specialists worked in conceptions that totally abandoned conventional physical laws.”

And this is from a source speaking presumably in, or just prior to, 2001! Get the book for the full quote. All good people will be shocked and horrified. Not in the politically incorrect language sense, or even in the bloody terrorist attack sense, but in the enormous scale of great evil sense. Even the most cynical alternative researcher will shiver at the scale wickedness and horrific potential they achieved. As Farrell indicates, the allies didn't win the war because the Nazis couldn't get their act together, but rather in the nick of time, just as they were preparing to unleash their insatiable bloodlust with unspeakable power.

To wind up this frightening look at one of the most evil regimes in history and their military-industrial complex headed up by corporate conglomerate I.G. Farben, Farrell exposes what happened to a lot of this technology and the scientists who worked on it. Project Paperclip, of course, is well-known even to mainstream historians, but the deals with the devil didn’t stop there.

Farrell elucidates some mysterious incidents near and just after the end of the war. There is, of course, that U-boat that turned up in New York with a curious cargo. There are US instructions to the Royal Air Force not to mess with a certain convoy of U-boats. Then there’s the disappearance of the Nazi Bell and a Junker Ju-390 long range bomber that remains unaccounted for. And just how did the Manhattan project finish its bomb research so fortuitously and where did the “extra bombs” come from? And why was it that Gen. George S. Patton made that sudden right turn at Albuquerque on the way to Berlin?

All of these mysteries that have baffled historians into the lamest suppositions for decades suddenly make sense in the light of Farrell’s thesis in Reich of the Black Sun.

He also goes into the escape of Martin Bormann and Hans Kammler and how they sold out Himmler. He discusses the deal they made with “somebody” in the US to facilitate their escape and, in turn, sell out ally Japan. And then there’s the establishment of the Nazi International and their creeping, insidious influence ever since in the West (which is further expounded on in subsequent works in the Nazi thread of books).

After such a wrap up, you’re wondering what more he could possibly offer in such a phenomenal and illuminating work. Yet he delivers even more bang for the buck. He ties it all up with a pretty ribbon and bow by examining popular Nazi and UFO myths and soundly debunking them. What comes up instead is something more terrifying than extraterrestrials—Nazi technology is alive and well, and advancing. Things, objects, events widely attributed to ETs in UFOs are all completely explainable with terrestrial technology developed by, you guessed it, the Nazis.

The Third Reich was ruled and enabled by some of the blackest souls who have ever incarnated on God’s green earth. Everyone knows this. What you do not know is that they didn’t lose the war. Germany did. After selling out Himmler and the Japanese, they sold out their own country, the country of their birth, recovered, and set up shop overseas. Back to business as usual. Sure, there’s a different flair to it; they “toned down” their methods; they avoid the big public displays they so loved in Nuremberg. They've become "kinder, gentler" Nazis, to coin a term of long-term Nazi associate George H. W. Bush.

For the party loyals, though, it never was about Germany, really. It was, is, and always will be about the Party. Cowards will forever sell out their country in the interest of the party and their own damn skins. In the end, isn’t that what all political parties are about?


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