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RE: “Read a Damn Book – 142: The Coming Race”

in #books5 years ago

Interesting. It was only through Steemit that I recently found out there are folks who believe a race of lizard men live within the earth and are controlling the development of mankind. They are known as the Vril. I wonder if this book is the birth of that name or if it predates it.


Wow... I know about the lizard men from David Icke's theories, (actually from skeptics talking about his theories---I've never read his books,) but I didn't know the lizards were called vril! My bet is that the book came first (1871 was a long time ago), but I couldn't PROVE that this was true!

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That’d be my guess too... unless it has some mythological roots. Makes me realize this book probably inspired and influenced lots of fiction. Legion of Super Heroes came to mind as I believe the genius alien character known as Braniac 5 had the real name of Vril Dox.

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