3 Months of publish0x for a novice writer

in #blogging4 years ago

About 3 months ago I started using Publish0x, my first article was written on the 6th of November. I've never done this type of writing before but it turned out to be a fun exercise in creativity.

The quality of my posts have been varied, I haven't overall put that much effort in them. The highlights of streams with Charles Hoskinson have been the most labor intense since the man packs so much information into his sentences, I've needed to sort through what is relevant and research a lot. It doesn't help that he can be in streams that goes on for several hours! So while I might have worked 5 hours at most on an article about Charles some of my posts are done in less than 30 minutes.

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Looking back I realize that there will be no more posts about free BTC. I will aim for a higher standard than that. It might seem obvious that it is a weak sauce kind of post but at the time it was a easy thing to throw out with a nice potential reward. The referral deal from Blockfi was a really good one, a deal I would have enjoyed when I signed up. But it ended in December and it looks desperate as well as a work from someone of low character.

I suppose I learn the most by being engaged with the subject matter. After all I used to assume socialism was good but now I see through the hypocrisy and instead adhere to libertarian ideals.
I also used to economically support the animal industry through my purchases, now I avoid animal products to the best of my ability, hence I'm vegan.
Good principles are formed over time.

Publish0x offer a very sleek overview of your views and earnings, the earnings are in different cryptocurrencies non-native to the website. They are acquired through tipping that anyone can do for free that comes from a rewards pool.

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It turns out I've earned cryptos for about 9.7 USD as of today since I started out 3 months ago. Unfortunately only ¼ of that is from my articles. Most of my earnings are therefore from me tipping others and not the other way around. During these months I'd say that on average I've been doing 3 tips a day and sliding the % to about 70 in my favor for the shared reward. You have to wait 10 minutes between tipping and there is a maximum amount of tips per day that I rarely reach, can't remember what it is. So spending around 30 minutes a day tipping together with the occasional articles I'd say I've reached these earnings by dedicating 1 hour a day to this website.

A lot of my USD value on publish0x also comes from the increase in value for the currencies. But moving ETH from publish0x is a daunting prospect. I recently moved ETH between two Metamask wallets and had to pay more than 2 USD for the transaction! So due to my meager earnings and the gas fees I have been contemplating taking a break. Two weeks ago I was starting to think about writing a final article about why I would go on an hiatus. I am after all looking to dedicate my time in fruitful endeavors.

But instead I decided: Heck no, this is too much fun! And now I've created several accounts on different social media sites to increase my expose as I think about what I've learned during these 3 months and how I will improve my writing!

I will increase my efforts and continue to explore a range of subjects. Since I haven't got that much of a following so far I feel free to write about anything that suits me, instead of being locked by a large viewership with specific expectations.
There is no stopping me now, THE FRUITFUL KNIGHT RISES!


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