What I did yesterday - A story in three pictures with cake

in #blog7 years ago


Yesterday I decided to eat up 8 miles. These are my vibram's. I got them a while back. Great investment. They simulate barefoot running while giving vital protection. I used to train barefoot but with the risk of broken glass vibram's are a good choice. I ran 4 miles in a comfortable 25 minutes without aiming for speed. A mile later on the return journey I blazed a fat pipe, and enjoyed the last three miles at a comfortable walk.


I made this bolognese using vegetarian mince! Chopped and fried some tomatoes, onions, peppers, mushrooms, garlic, chilli, vegetarian mince, herbs, spices, and a dollop of mayonnaise. Fun Fact: Americans use mayonnaise in pancake mix! (I learnt this through watching Freddy's nightmares )


This is a cake I baked. Butter, honey (I never use refined sugar, always honey or handsome alternative), egg, flour, baking soda, moist desicated coconut, rasins, voila. The sheer amount of cocount I put in makes it a dream to bite into. I never aim for aesthetics with cakes, just taste and texture.

And after I ate I lay down for the rest of the evening. My legs were aching for some reason. I've been watching Marvel's Luke Cage after powering through Daredevil Season 1& 2, and Jessica Jones. What a show!

The end?


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