Why my husband and I moved to Australia Part2

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Why my husband and I moved to Australia Part2

Before we flew to Australia, we both left everything behind us, and we had nothing to lose. We packed our luggage, and my husband’s brother drove us to the airport. My husband organised us a homestay over Airbnb (for about a month) and like coincidence wants the mother of our homestay was German, and her boyfriend is an Aussi.


We were lucky to the point that she communicated in German, else, we were so lost! Since we couldn't communicate in English by any means! And we both expected to get used to the new language.

Our flight to Australia took ages! We flew from Frankfurt to Zurich and from Zurich to Hong Kong where we needed to wait for 12 hours. We spend these 12 hours just at the airport, and we were tired to the point that we searched for a lounge to get some rest.
Sleep Lougne.png
At the lounge, all the bedrooms were booked out so that we just could have some uncomfortable sleep in some lounge chairs. But we could take a shower which was heaven for us! At the bar, I asked the man if we could get a massage. So they booked us in. When they made the massage it was disappointing, in my opinion, this had nothing to do with relaxing they made it so fast that we could have gotten a number, like: “who next.”

We finally arrived in Cairns:

We arrived with a Student Visa, and we both went to school for a year. It was an English Learning College (Sun Pacific College).

Our first week was so exciting and exhausting (Jet Lag)! It was the first time that we were so far away from home, and this made it a real adventure!

Oh, before I forget! We stayed in Cairns (North East of Australia in the tropics)
It’s like a little city, but we lived 20min from Cairns in a small village. My husband and I are both from the countryside that’s why we choose Cairns.
Airport Cairns.png
As we arrived in Cairns, we went outside the airport because our homestay mother picked us up (I think it was around 6 am.) It was so hot and humid outside that we took off our jackets and enjoyed the feeling in the tropics. As she picked us up, we were so tired that we didn’t speak to her because we just wanted to sleep!

And so we did, she said to us that we could sleep in her daughter’s bedroom so that she could prepare the guest bedroom for us.
Chris and I woke up at 7 pm, so we were sleeping the whole day! I've never had such a terrible Jet Lag in my entire life!

The first days were so exhausting, but we spent a lot of time with our homestay family and they showed us around Cairns. We went to the beach for the first time, and that wasn’t far away from her home, it is just like living in Paradise with salt water crocodiles and Marine Stingers.

We had some barbies together, we’ve met our first Geko and Can toad (that’s a disgusting frog), and some spiders, but we also saw her garden where she had fresh lemons, pineapples and so on. They had a pool too; it seems that everyone has a pool in the tropics because it is incredibly hot. It was a lovely place, and we’ve felt so welcome. It was like a second family to us!
Animals Kewarra Beach.png
Fruits and pool.png

At the beginning, we had no car, so we took the bus, but we didn’t know where we should press stop in light of the fact that everything looked fundamentally the same as for us, and it was kind of overwhelming for us, so I asked the bus driver where we should press stop, he was an older guy, and he spoke the Aussi Slang so you can imagine that I had no idea what he was talking about, however, we managed to get what we want, and this was getting home. The thing is that he drove us. I mean he was working, in our own country it is not possible you can´t ask “Mr Busdriver” could you drive us home, please. In Australia Cairns, not a problem at all!

Before the school started, we went once to the school to see where it is and how it looks like. It was a friendly and peaceful place! There we met a guy from the Nederland’s (who worked there) and later on, as we wanted to go home, he was so kind that he asked us if we needed a lift, but we were fine and everyone is so friendly. We couldn´t believe it is a whole new world. Friendly people, helpful people without asking for money, unbelievable!

The college at night (school map)

It required some time until the point when we knew the better places and areas. It felt like we were dreaming and it did not feel like that this did just happen to us.

And so, here we are now in Cairns



Wonderful insight, we are moving to Sydney in August, hope to see you there.
follow us @healthlovetravel 😘

good for you guys, great post

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