Reg is in panic mode, and tries to run!

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

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Derek didn't run.... Nor did he swim either.

He just waited patiently for his little feathery friend instead. He didn't feel fear like Reg did.
He didn't know what fear meant, to be honest- but he did know that every other animal felt it, and so he pretended that he did know.
He hated not being included in things.

..Reg's return took some time though, as Reg kept falling over on the soft sand in his panicked haste to get back to the water.
(Penguin legs and soft sand are not really good combinations - especially if they are panicked penguin legs.)

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"Whats wrong, Reg?", asked Derek.

"No time for that, now!" Reg screamed loudly "Swim before they catch us!".
It was more of a high pitched squeak, rather than a scream - but he did try his very best.

As Reg jumped in the water, he started to flail around,
" Oh it burns, its burns", He screamed. (squeaked)

"What bloody burns?" , Asked Derek, totally bemused at his friends condition.

"The water Derek, the water burns !" Said Reg. " It's too hot here, it's burning me!"

"Ah, " Derek said, understanding now. The water was very hot here...
He still didn't understand the reason for Reg hurtling towards the sea from the beach, though...

"We need to swim further out.." Said Reg. "We'll be safer there. I'll explain it all to you,then...! There's zombie bears here, Derek!Zombies!"

And so the duo swam away from the shores of Portugal.
Well, Reg jumped on Derek's back, as per usual, and let him do the swimming.

As they swam away Derek asked about what had happened back on the shore.

" Oh Derek, my friend, it was horrible!"

"I'm gonna eat you if you don't tell what happened!", Said Derek jokingly (half jokingly... He was famished.!.. The bear spit had all been eaten..)

" I think Gerald is in on this", said Reg " I think he's working for the naked bears".

"Gerald? The tree bear who eats leaves to get drunk? That Gerald?" Said Derek, totally confused now..

"Yes, that Gerald, " Said Reg impatiently, " How many Gerald's do we know? Of course that Gerald!"

...Just then, many , many, lights and dark's, away..
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He was determined to work out what Reg was waffling on about..

He was making absolutely no sense, right now...but that wasn't usual.
Reg made him confused a lot, it must be said. Derek was confused pretty much daily, by Reg.
But he liked this little Penguin enough not to eat him, and so that made him a true friend.
He hardly ever even thought about eating Reg nowadays, in fact...

He listened as Reg explained everything...

"This is what I think, Derek...."

" Oh god", Derek thought. Whenever Reg started with 'this is what I think...', it inevitably meant that he was about to get really, really, confused.

Reg took a deep breath.... (that took a while, penguins can take very deep breaths)

" I think we were drugged by the bear spit, that was thrown off the big log that the bears were on,"

" I doubt it Reg", said Derek, interrupting his feathery friend.. " Nobody give you free drugs, it's a myth... Except for Gerald of course - but his stash just grew for free, all around him."

"Well I think the spit was laced with something," Reg stated.

" You started hearing voices to come to this place, right? With the spit and the soft floppy ice, yes?"

"Yeeeeees" Derek said, warily - his little mate just might be onto something here!...
Those voices were very strange.''

Clickety clickk clickk clicky clickk....A very 'whale-ish' chat sound, but very artificial somehow...clickky click, click, and then there was that strange echo in background. A chanting behind the 'clickety clicks'... 'ohbollox, ohbollooox,ah...bollox...'

Reg snapped Derek out of his thoughts...
" ....And when I went on the beach to ask the naked bears, what a desk was. It was then I realized we were in zombieland.!"

"Whats a Zombie, Reg?" Asked Derek...

"I'm not sure," Said reg, " But that's word just came into my head thinking about them - so that's what we'll call 'em..."

"Fair enough, " Derek said, "I wonder if they taste different than non zombie bears..?" He'd never tried Zombie food... New foods always interested him...

He snapped out of his musings again, as Reg continued on..

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"...Anyway, as I went around the beach asking what a desk was, I realized that these bears were either really dumb, or half dead. They couldn't put a sentence together, Derek - the poor things.
I'd ask them what a desk was, and every... single... time..., they would stir from lying down still, slowly look at me with those massive big eyes.., point at me, and say 'Awwwwww'.
They couldn't say anything except 'Awwww, Awwwww', and point at me!
Half dead or mentality very slow, I'm not sure which, but I'm going for the living dead....
Some of the skin from these bears was already starting to fall off...

...But then it got much worse Derek! Much, much worse!"

"Go on..." Drek said. He was thinking Reg might be right about all this, and that yummy bear spit may have been laced with drugs...

"Well, all of a sudden, this bear comes and launches itself straight at me - I thought I was zombie food, Derek.!
But no, it said...

'I'll take that off you, Reg, thank you very much'.

IT KNEW MY NAME DEREK !!!.... IT... KNEW... MY... NAME..."

Reg was shaking as he relived the account....
"And then she took the floppy ice off me, walked over to a piece of wood, and sat down, and then started tearing it to shreds, in wafer thin pieces.
It was spooky, my friend. Nothing natural can split ice that thin..."

"WOW", Said Derek. This was getting weird.

How would a zombie, on beach many light and dark's from where they had come from, know Reg's name?

And they came to this beach, all because He'd heard 'clickety click' voices telling him to, and echo's of 'oh bollox...'

After a while Derek said to Reg that he was returning to the beach....
"I'm scared Derek," Said Reg

"Don't worry little fella, I'll protect ya." Derek said warmly "Jump in my mouth, and we'll head on back.."

"Just don't pretend we're going back there , just to eat me. That would really piss me off.."
And off they went, with Reg laid in Derek's mouth, and Derek thinking of eating Reg zombies...

"Would you know that zombie, the one that talked to you, if you saw it again, Reg?" Asked Derek

"I dunno...." said Reg...."Derek?" Asked Reg

"What Reg?"

"Have you anymore of that bear spit? Are you hiding some?"

"Hiding it?Where the hell am I going to hide it? I'm a whale. I don't carry containers around with me. Stupid penguin."

"No need to shout at me! ", said Reg, offended, picking some squid out of Derek's Teeth, and eating his dinner..

The beach came slowly into sight....

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"What now, Reg?"

"Do you think zombies take drugs?" Asked Reg , " I think they must do , listening to them sing..."


@lucylin, Reg and Derek are out of trouble :) I suppose it is because they are not trolling and being harsh about anybody! I would like you to see this a sign of cooperation and flexibility from those who care about you (me), and from those who have felt offended by the way you have been conveying your ideas.

I would really appreciate that, if, in return, you could keep this in mind during your further publications. 1) that there are people willing to intervene on your behalf, and 2) that the very people offended by your expressions are wiling to negotiate and have some flexibility towards you.

Let's try to make Steemit a place where we can more than anything be productive and engage with people in a productive way. I know you can do that greatly! You have never interacted with me in any way other than meaningfully and respectfully. I trust you can do this with others too ;)

Now, I, together with Reg and Derek,withdraw from this scenario :D

Thank you - very much - for your influence in this...

I've just posted this, written 90% for you - which I really hope , will let you know exactly where I stand.
(and you should so listen to the embedded song!.)
I hate having sleepless nights over girls...

Thank you, yet again....(I'm going to bed now)

(I'll send a link to bloomy to, as a gesture of goodwill...And hope he too understands my position, and why it is, as it is.)

Well, thank you very much :) You often make me feel flattered.

Due to where I am at the moment, I haven't been able to listen to the song. But, I will do as soon as I can. You are a good-hearted man @lucylin with an impressive life. And I am confident you understand that by any shape or form I suggested you to stop fighting what you feel threatened by, this is precisely the opposite of what I recommend people to do. Although, keep in mind, that we all have this same inclination too. Hence, if people feel threatened by you, well ... they will fight you.

PS: I also think you should find a better name for it than 'vision' :P

All right, I better go ... I have spent way too much time on Steemit over the past 2 days. More than I can afford really.

Bye for now.

Thank you :)

Hence, if people feel threatened by you, well ... they will fight you.

just to be pedantic about it...

He came onto my blog, I never went anywhere near him.

Awwwwwwww! Oh, I shouldn’t do that!

Reg, I am not a zombie 🙄😂

I had forgotten how confused he gets about everything! He even managed to confuse Derek this time 😂😂😂

This is so ingenuously funny! It did make a fun, fun Sunday morning read. Thank you :) But, what is Derek up to now? Uh-Oh ....

Merci beaucoup, Senhora (multilingual, who'd have thought it?)😃

I'm glad you enjoyed it! - Just 'came to me' last night while we were chatting.

I can't upvote or even get into commenting - RC's have been obliterated over this couple of days - need to recharge...sorry.

What is Derek upto.....?

(sighs), ....and sits down on the couch, while AD listens.....with the tacit agreement that no payment is forthcoming, obviously....

bloomy is killing Reg and Derek!! lololol

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I have contacted him directly and asked him to reconsider this situation :) Fingers crossed! He clearly doesn't know how much I love Reg & Derek :D

But, please you chill for now as well! :P

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