Reality vs Perception

in #blog7 years ago

 Reality vs Perception

   In this current environment in the west where everything is upside down, we need to realize we are going to have to exit the controlled systems that are working tirelessly to shape our existence, control our actions, and even shape what we think is real.   We are constantly feed either intentionally deceptive or inherently bias information from all sides, most of which has an agenda behind it. 

  Once you realize this it is easy to see that you have been manipulated, but it is also easy to let your pendulum swing way to far the other way and believe nothing at all. This is equally (and possibly more) destructive than just being brainwashed with the main stream creative narratives/histories. You see this in things like Flat Earth and other such conspiracy theories. Always take a step back when researching something and ask who benefits? Economics is always the key behind any thing people do. First, I think people have a fundamental misunderstanding of what economics is, in a very simple explanation, economics is the study of decision making. So it's easy to see why some theories can be very easily rejected because no one benefits to the point to justify the costs associated with executing the conspiracy. In the above example who would benefit from hiding the fact the earth was flat?  So everyone has their own perception which becomes their individual reality. It is a big mistake to think of reality as a universal concept and that everyone can be presented the same information and make the same conclusions. This is because they have a different perception of their reality. The universal reality (the events that actually happen) can be manipulated by those that control the information. Groups like the CIA and many others have understood this for 1000's of years, and this is why information has always been controlled. Let us not forget the Christians and their love of burning and destroying history throughout Europe in an attempt to manipulate the reality of Europeans in order to convert them, and make them forget their pagan roots. Extremist Muslims now do the same thing when they conquer an area they destroy all the history of previous religions of the area. It is all an attempt to replace your perceptions with the ones they wish you to have.  The solution to all of this is to improve yourself, improve your ability to think, educate yourself, and learn new skills. Become a devourer of knowledge, and most importantly be very discerning of what knowledge and sources you choose to take in, it is very easy to consume total crap (especially in the age of the internet) and your time is too short to waste on crap information (or disinformation).

 So when your presented something ask basic questions to quickly evaluate if it is worth your time to read. I think the most important thing you can do is try to figure out what agenda the author has, to give proper context of what you are reading. It is also important to take a contrarian attitude towards the material being presented, weather it is something you agree with or not. Question everything, are they trying to educate or convert you? Is their position reasonable? Are their facts realistic and do they make logical sense?   Be a critical thinker/reader/learner. Critical means be a critic of it, read both sides of issues and try your best to understand them, pick them apart and poke as many holes as you can in both sides of the issue, only then do you have knowledge of a subject and can make some conclusions as to what the universal reality of a situation is. While this is hard work (and has very little reward, as you tend to not agree with anyone) it will free your mind and free your soul. Though before you embark in such enriching activities remember, "ignorance is bliss".

  Thanks for reading :) 


bro can you please explain me in detail about steemit and how it works.

very interesting read :)

vr is great

absolutely agree...nice post. thanks

welcome bro

Great Keep it up!

yeah sure just need support of you people

nice post voted ^^

thank you so much

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