Where Are The Blog-Fires At? Who's Down To Grow Steemit With Me In A Truly Exciting Way?

in #blog-fire7 years ago

Here is the BIG IDEA for the day:  

Getting people to blog-fire and create blogs that will make more for all who take part in blog-fires.  Getting you to leave comments, notes and everyone follows into the blog-fire campaign to share each others work on Steemit, and to also share something that has nothing to do with a blog-fire by people that are following your blog-fire work and also creating some blog-fires of their own.

What is a Blog-Fire?

A "Blog-Fire" is a blog post about the content and compassion between users on steemit, where we are intreguing other people to join the movement of creating content that sets people on fire.  (Not literally, but fortunately.)  What we want to do is follow all users who are engaged in its content while at the same time sharing blog-fire posts as much as we can.  We want to teach people that we are about creating movements, both online and offline, and getting as many people interested in making extremely great content and attracting our readers.  A blog-fire is simply a blog post that is in the blog-fire tag, and getting more people to go in that tag and to write something inspirational to readers to help create a following movement online, strictly for the idea to engage with steemit users offline as well.  

So, what's the big idea?

The idea is to attract readers and writers from all over the world and to get together in our cities; towns, counties, states, countries, providence's and from all over the world engage online and offline with our readers to try help Steemit, and to help ourselves create a movement unlike any other.  It's aesthetically for our readers and friends to engage with us on a deeper and more meaningful level than seeing people from all over the world, stuck behind their devices and afraid to say hello to strangers for fear that the internet, and media both promote - FEAR.  We shouldn't be so afraid of each other on this world, and I want to be a part of something miraculous that makes it come to life, where people from all over the world are getting together on a higher and more meaningful level - then to allow censorship and false media to destroy a relationship that shouldn't be stifled.  The big idea, is to get together with our loved ones, while creating friends and making new friends in the process through the site that we all love - Steemit.  It's to get readers to see that we are out to share more with our world - and on a deeper level, than you continue to be so afraid of one another, and to have the kahuna's to do something about it.

I'm sick of the world where it sits, and I want to do something about it!

I'm sick of seeing how people can't create movements as large as their own government can, where people are donating to charities and to different political organizations in the tune of Billions and Billions of dollars while the poor suffer the consequenses of these political attributes that these people are running from all over.  Campaigning for our betterness, yeah - RIGHT they are.  They aren't raising Billions of dollars to help the people, rather they are raising this money to help themselves.  I want to help raise money, fund raising with people on Steemit, to grow a better world for our own; us, and our families and friends.  Don't we deserve to STOP thinking that our government is out to protect us more than we can help ourselves to protect our own interests?  Can't we raise money for our own needs and the needs of our friends and family members who are hurting instead of running campaigns for other organizations that aren't really helping us?

I've contacted numerous charity organizations, only to find out that no one really cares - no one really writes back even, and no one ever calls.  I was in need of financial help at the time, and all that I truly want to do is help people immensely get out of struggling and help people better help themselves.  I want to see a world that is changed for the better, and not continuing to go down the path of ruin.  Can't we do that?  Can't we at least try?  

My account value has done nothing but increase since creating this fire on Steem, and I want people to get involved in re-steeming my efforts, other efforts into creating their own fire on Steem by using the tag "blog-fire" in their posts and getting people more excited to live a life offline, than on - and using this site as an extreme medium to get us all there, and get us to be able to live healthy and fun lives together were getting together, will give us a real movement to create - where we can keep on making life even better through our very own actions online, and taking it offline.  Getting business cards; artistic idea's, blog-fire to share with the world around us at any given moment.  I believe that you have to believe that you are worth more, and once you do - you will be more.  I believe that you have an untamed spirit that lives inside of you, and you have been shoving it down for many years, and more years to come - if you don't get out there and try...  Try something!  Anything!  Just don't believe that you are worthless, or that you aren't worth something more than what you've gotten this far - because, you are.

People might want to make you seem as though you aren't worth much - but the more you listen to them and the more hurt you get - the more that you ARE going to hurt other people.  So, don't fall into their traps.  You're worth more than you think you are - and I believe that we are all worth MORE...  not less. 

With Blog-Fire, I Believe The Unseen Is Worth Every Ounce Of Dreaming That People Have Got To Put Into It, and To Put It Out There On Steem:

Do you believe in the beauty of your dreams?

Why wouldn't I think that way?  Why wouldn't I want to try?  Why wouldn't anyone not want to be a part of truly helping humanity in some profound way?

I always wondered what more I could do, and the idea's that just pop in my head are amazing!  So, why wouldn't I try?  I'd try because humanity means more to me than endless wars, you mean more to me than the struggles you're facing today, and you mean more to me than your government could ever make you truly feel as though you're worth something, when all people really want you to do is work for someone else.  I want NONE of that nonsense!  I want more out of humanity than I've ever seen, and I believe that it's all possible with more people willing to dream into what I'm calling steemit blog-fires, and creating a storm that one day the whole world is going to see.  

Who's Down With Me?

Please leave a comment in the comments section of this post.  Please tell me what you want to add to blog-fires, and what you can do to contribute to the idea of changing how we are currently forced to not even know each other.  And, I mean really know each other.  

Even families, and friends don't know each other as well as we could, or as good as we should.  And, I think we deserve better than we are currently living with from all over the world in this 2017.  I believe that we can and will acheieve the unachievable, and the dreams of the impossible.  I believe that all those things are meant to come to us, and to help us - to REALLY help other people.  I believe in the power of the human spirit, and I believe in you.  You want to know why?  

Because, I've never had anyone truly believe in me.  I've never felt as though anyone really believed I could do more with my life than to work for someone else, and to be some average nothing idiot in this world, and I wanted to be better.  So, with this opportunity on Steemit, I don't see why we can't.  I don't know why people feel the need to crush our dreams, and I believe that we can be unstoppable if we want to be, and that we can achieve those impossible things - to other people - that think that we can't.  The people that think that we always have to bend to the whims of this world.  To the people that think that we aren't going to make it in the real world.  And, to those who are self determined and paid by our federal government to make sure that some people just can't get a break.  Some people just can't be protected by laws they create.  Some people that can't just catch a break.  I believe in the power of the human spirit, and this is why I believe that it's all possible with our efforts here on Steemit - Setting fires to the third bar in life, and setting our expectations on levels insurmountable to most, but possible to some, and extremely needed for most.  I believe life is a cesspool right now, and that we are currently going down hill where we can be going up hill.  And, I'm tired of seeing it.

Please feel free to donate to me for the cause here of trying to grow people, and not money.  Growing money - for people, and not for the money's sake, and to stop believing in government to stop us from our dreams at all cost necessary THAT THEY DO!

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