My 2019: The last 2019 Showcase Weekend: Make Blogging Fun Again
I don't blog much in 2019. My activities in steem are focused on curation. I joined several curation communities on the platform and enjoying my steem times by reading/watching/listening to so many posts. When I heard the contest called "My 2019: The last 2019 Showcase Weekend contest", I decided to join, thinking that I have some underrated posts in 2019 that I'm proud of.
1st post: Fun things I do in steem: curating for curation groups
I think this post explained why I'm still actively curating for @curie and @c-squared. TL;DR I'm doing it for fun! :D
I’m not a good content creator. I’m terrible at articulating ideas. It always all over the place for me when it comes to writing. But I love to read. Believe me, it does feel good when we see good content get rewards it deserved.
Read the rest of this post: click here
2nd post: A small talks about web design: Accessibility

Illustration: mockup for my company website
In this post, I shared a little bit about an important thing in web design. It's not only about the aesthetic, or good UI/UX, it's about universality. A good web design should be easy to access by everyone regardless of their conditions, it is an essential aspect.
This post is the 1st web design-related topic on my steem blog. I'm planning to create more posts about this topic in 2020.
Good design is good design. It has to be creative, obviously. It has to be intuitive. But it will be much better if that good design works for as many as possible users.
Read the rest of this story: click here
3rd post The God's Shoes | Flash Fiction

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
In 2018, I've wrote quite a few flash fictions on steem. This form of fiction is good to exercise creative writing. Where in such limited space (only 500 - 1000 words) we should deliver a complete story from the beginning, middle, and ending (if you're a 3 acts structure guy). This means that we should plan our story to have a clear conflict right from the start. We don't have enough place and time to do the proper set-up. Quite challenging.
In 2019, I think this post is my 2nd (and last) flash fiction on steem.
This story is about a football player (or soccer if you're from the USA), who was tricked by a shoe seller, telling him that the shoes he bought were that shoes of Diego Maradona when he scored the historical 'Hands of God' goal.
Barry kicked the ball. As if in a slow-motion film, he could see how the ball flying. It bends on the air passing through the head of all the center backs...
Read this flash fiction: click here
So, that's it, my 2019 posts on steem. Under-rewarded, but that's okay. I have a lot of fun and meet many new friends on this platform, Steem is more than rewards :D
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