How do we use AI and machine learning to get better at what we do?

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Wedge + AXE: Intelligent Agent Business Platform

“Machine learning.” More and more companies are using this new set of technologies that combine data mining and predictive analytics to automatically discover patterns in the data and to learn from those discoveries.

What is Machine Learning?

Consulting firm, McKinsey defines machine learning as “based on algorithms that can learn from data without relying on rules-based programming.” In the past, artificial intelligence was mostly rules-based; business people would develop the rules, so that if the algorithms encountered a certain condition, a specific response would automatically be triggered.

A simple example: your credit card company might detect a transaction under the amount of $5. Then, within 10 minutes, it detects another transaction for $200. The credit card computers are programmed to identify that pattern as fraud. That is a business rule that a person programmed into the application.

Machine learning would take this a step further, asking, “Were these two transactions processed in separate locations? Did they both take place in stores where the card holder has never shopped before?” Machine learning compares the pattern to other, past instances of fraud to identify the likelihood that the credit card was hacked or stolen.

Machine learning has been around for about 50 years. Probably not a day goes by where our lives aren’t impacted by it — digitally and physically.

Machine learning is already changing humanity.

Much of it is good — from better spelling correction to personalized medical diagnosis and surgeries. Some of it is bad: machine learning can unwittingly perpetuate racism, hate and discrimination, mirroring the worst parts of humanity. Even worse still is the thought of the military developing autonomous killing machines.

But we need to stop thinking about AI as magic. What we call machine learning is a collection of mathematical techniques — albeit advanced enough that they’re starting to resemble some type of techno-magic.

“It’s all about asking the right questions and building the right products.”

“What is our goal, how do we define it and measure it? and what’s the best path forward to reaching it?”

Best case scenario, you make a huge difference to your users, clients and your company- a true machine learning success story.

How do we use AI and machine learning to get better at what we do?

You need a solid foundation for your data before being effective with AI and machine learning.

About Wedge

WEDGE is a forward thinking finance and business management blockchain application.

It features our WEDGE Intelligent Agent, an AI chat-bot personal assistant with industry leading analytics and provides an easy to use and highly effective business software experience.

We are building the initial platform on Ethereum using solidity smart contracts. Our full-version platform will be blockchain independent and able to operate across and interact with a number of different blockchain platforms.

WEDGE is a community and agency partnership effort building on top of the Ethereum blockchain with the ambitious goal to introduce an AI-focused small business software management and analytics platform.



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