Blockchain & Cryptocurrency - an Introduction
Sustainable Living Podcast
Many of our listeners are striving to live a more sustainable lifestyle. And many feel that we need to do things differently - the status quo is not serving most of us very well.
My co-host Jenise has been buying and trading cryptocurrency for a while now but I just never had any extra money for any kind of investment.
Then, I found out about Steemit and much changed for me. Slowly, I am gaining an understanding of the strange wild world of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.
I also found some amazing people who have been more than generous with their time to help me along with this understanding.
One of them is @taskmaster4450 who graciously agreed to come on the podcast and share his expertise.
Thank you so much!!!
In the podcast, @taskmaster4450 gives a simple explanation what a blockchain is and what some of the possible applications are.
We are going to do segments about this subject in future episodes and love your input.
Post your questions below and we will do our best to answer as many as possible in future episodes. And by us - I mean @taskmaster4450 will.
More tomorrow.
You can also visit our website at
All images are my own unless otherwise cited.
My recent posts
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Joel Salatin - Interview and Blog Post
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Listen to the Sustainable Living Podcast here
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss something I am so passionate about.
I was at the UBI cryptocurrency meeting tonight. I should be able to let you (and your listeners if you want) in on that next week. Things are coming together but still a week out.
Sounds great!! Ready to learn - don't even know what UBI is....
Universal Basic Income.
Great!! We had people on before who talked about this idea in different thought models. Love to hear more!! yay!
If you have a chance to look at this post again. I tried to add the radio banner, but it is wonky. doyou know how to fix it?