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RE: English School Boys

in #blockchain5 years ago

Keep in mind, Chris... we attract what we focus on. Instead of focusing on reducing suffering, perhaps switch the focus to increasing joy and happiness. The law of attraction will always give us more of what we put our attention towards.

An easy example is getting in shape... a person could be overweight and keep thinking “Man, I just want to be less overweight. I’m not happy with how I look and feel and I want to stop being so overweight”.

Now, a different person is also overweight but says this... “I want to be healthy and fit, filling my body with nutritious food and having unstoppable energy every day.”

The outcome is the same, but the focus is different. One is disempowering, while the other is empowering. One is going to keep on attracting being overweight, while the other is going to attract health and fitness.

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