BeefChain Becomes First Blockchain Company To Receive USDA Certification

Tracking beef on the blockchain is getting closer to reality, now that the company BeefChain has recently received USDA certification.

This company is going to enable a transparent supply chain, all the way from suppliers to the hands of the consumer, so that the beef can be tracked back to their original source, by using blockchain technology.

There are a variety of efforts ongoing that are helping to bring about the same thing, enabling the tracking of food and more on the blockchain.

For example, IBM has already launched a tool that helps track food supply routes, Walmart has reportedly been working on using the same technology to track some of their goods, along with other big companies like Nestle.

Increasingly, we can expect to see blockchain technology gain traction in the food industry.

A Variety of Benefit

Blockchain provides both traceability and transparency and this allows documentation for every step that the food item has traveled along its journey. From the farm right to the hands of the consumer.

Whenever there is a food event for example, and people have been harmed etc, the current methods of dealing with that are costly and lead to much food waste, trying to trace the specific items that might pose a threat is too difficult and in most cases they'll just throw everything out. This alternative method for tracing that issue is far superior and can allow for authorities to deal with the food event issues more efficiently.

From making issues along the supply chain easier to notice, that will help with improving food safety, and more, it's clear that there are many benefits to undertaking this goal of getting blockchain to help improve the food market and simplify supply chains.



Oh this is gonna make the vegans mad... Go blockchain!

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