3 Lessons to Learn From MicroStrategy’s List of All Bitcoin Purchases

in #bitcoin2 years ago

Look at the (almost)complete list of all BTC purchases made by MicroStrategy since August 2020:


The only thing missing is the last purchase made in early April 2023 which you can see on the Bitcoin DCA Like Michael J. Saylor web page: https://www.bitcoinpriceinwords.com/bitcoindcalikesaylor.htm

When you see the purchases made by Michael J. Saylor on the Bitcoin price chart since August 2020, one thing should jump out at you.

That thing is that you need three things to take full advantage of the Bitcoin revolution:

  1. Understand the why of Bitcoin in order to have full confidence in the Bitcoin revolution.
  2. Act with conviction regardless of the short-term price of Bitcoin.
  3. Be patient because a monetary revolution like the one embodied by the Bitcoin system takes time.

Michael J. Saylor combines these 3 elements and that is what will allow MicroStrategy to take full advantage of the Bitcoin revolution in the future.

If you bought Bitcoin at its ATH in late 2021, do as Michael J. Saylor did: don't panic, don't lament, and continue to have faith in the Bitcoin revolution, because the future of Bitcoin is bright.

Patience and your strength of conviction will make all the difference in the future.

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