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RE: Which will come first? +$1,000,000 Bitcoin, +$27,000oz Gold or +$700oz Silver? (Twitter Poll)

in #bitcoin5 years ago

This is a very difficult question.

The most likely first one is million dollar bitcoin.
It is quite easy for the digital, world-wide asset to reach $1,000,000 a piece.

Whereas there is a lot of gold and a lot of manipulation in place to keep the gold price down. $27,000 gold means the FED failed.
i see the million dollar bitcoin before the FED failing.

Silver prices will be as a result of industrial use for new super-technologies.
i am only seeing one of them being talked about. So, i feel it is further out.


When the FIAT currency collapses , gold, silver and Bitcoin are the only things left of intrinsic and tangible value. With physical gold and silver, you can actually hold and touch them - whereas Bitcoin is electronic digits.

There will be some barter, and so gold may work. Because of the properties you mentioned.

However, the real thing will be buying things that will be shipped to you from Amazonium or China, and in that, electronic digits are far more valuable.

So, will we live in a local world cut off from everyone, or an interconnected-but in a different way-world?

However, the real thing will be buying things that will be shipped to you from Amazonium or China, >>> and in that, electronic digits are far more valuable.

Thanks, I hadn't thought of it that way.

I wouldn't rule out #Silver.!!

I for one would not be at all surprised if Banks reversed their naked short position on #Silver Derivatives with #Bitcoin Derivatives.

This would make Banks $trillions of dollars as #Silver exploded to the upside and #Bitcoin was nailed to the floor.

After the trade is completed, they would simply reverse their position and rinse and repeat with #Gold.


I couldn't agree more with Stephen😀

Posted using Partiko Android

i do not agreee.
They can't do that to silver.

The above ground silver horde is very small.
T.H.E.Y., the elite bankers, know this, and they also know the coming technologies that will be using silver.

So, basically, they do not have the ammunition to try this stunt, and it would mean the death of both the dollar and their ability to control silver prices.

Silver, in the future, will be national security level industrial metal.
See many of Bix Weir's videos on how he sees it playing out.

Now, they could do this with gold, but they don't have much of other people's gold left, and they are loathe to give up even one ounce.

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