Tipples Beer Review #66 - Bruery Or Xata (USA)

in #beer6 years ago

I'm a fan of horchata with is a sweet Vanilla cinnamon milk drink from Mexico. In particular I like to drink it when we go to our local Taqueria, which goes by the name of Hello Jose, is run by a hipster who looks remarkably like the lead singer of Custrad (but hasn’t aged since the 90’s so unless he’s a vampire, isn’t him) and goes out of it’s way to be a ramshackle, nothing matches sort of place, they serve there Horchata in cheap plastic cups and you can have it with or without rum.

Or Xata.jpg

What does any of this have to do with beer? Well The Bruery Brewery out of California in the USA have made a beer version of Horchata, that they call Or Xata. Now when I drank Horcahata for the first time I did think, I reckon you could make a beer that tastes like this, so I was keen to try....

For some reason I think this would be cloudy, probably because Horchata looks a little like dirty milk. But this is s actually very clear, a dark warm yellow.

There is some strange yeasty bits floating in it, or maybe they are bits of rice, or maybe bts of lactose, whatever they are it’s a bit weird. It's a very energetic brew bubbles streaming through it all over the place, making those floaties dance.

Or Xata 2.jpg

It has an amazing smell, cinnamon definitely but also a hint of orange.

That taste is really interesting, It absolutely tastes like horchata, it's sweet and cinnamon very strong at the start of the sip, but then it disappears quickly which is good because otherwise it would be nothing but a gimmick and quite hard to drink, rather this is refreshing and very interesting. .

This is really quite an outstanding beer, unlike anything else I've ever tasted, in a beer, the only thing that comes close is served in a a plastic cup at the Hello Jose.

As always this is in #BeerSaturday check it out here:
https://steemit.com/beersaturday/@detlev/the-one-and-only-steemit-beersaturday-challenge-enjoy-week-47-now-and-win-from-15-sbd and vote below or on the main post to help me win.


Nice post and very interesting beer indeed! I suppose the tiny floaters are just yeast clumps. The rice should be used only in the process of mashing the grains... and the lactose is just sugar and it is completely dissolved in the beer.
Cheers, and good luck in this #beersaturday!

Interesting beer, nice post.

That would be a difficult beer to choose -- too tempting to drink it fast, lol. I like Horchata, especially on ice. But it always is gone too soon. It's amazing how folks can make beer with so many different flavors! Cheers!

Haven't had this, and likely won't due to the use of lactose (intolerance). But that being said, it sounds very interesting and I know everything else I've had from The Bruery is fantastic. Hell, maybe I'll pop some pills and give it a shot one day.

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