The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) - International Assets Bank

in #banking6 years ago

In the United States there are 12 Feds (the Central Bank). The strongest of these FEDs is the New York Fed. There are 12 family members of the US FED. Four of these families live in the United States and four live outside the United States.

Four families living in the US:

  1. The Rockefeller family
  2. The Goldman Sachs family
  3. Lehman Brothers family
  4. Kuhn Loebs family

4 families living outside the US:

  1. Rothschild family (TheRothschilds of Paris and London)
  2. The Warburg family (Warburgs Bank of Hamburg)
  3. Lazard family (TheLazardsBrothers of Paris)
  4. Moses Seifs family (The Israil Mosses Seifs of Rome)

The following 10 banks control close to the whole of the 12 FEDs in the US:

  1. NM Rothschild of London
  2. Rothschild Bank of Berlin
  3. Warburgs Bank of Hamburg
  4. Warburgs Bank of Amsterdam
  5. Lehman Brothers of New York
  6. Lazard Brothers of Paris
  7. Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
  8. The Israel Moses Seifs Bank of Italy
  9. Goldman Sachs of New York
  10. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank of New York

The biggest shares of all FEDs in the US are David Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Paul Warburg, Jacob Shiff and James Stillman.

American famous historian Dr. Carol Quigley provides the following information on the "Bank of International Settlements (BIS) - International Assets Bank (BIS)" in Basel, Switzerland: "Global Governance Headquarters" in the book "Tragedy-Hope"

"The bank owns 4 groups of world banking giants.

  1. Bank of America (Rockefeller family)
  2. Citi Group (under the control of the Rockefeller family)
  3. Welles Fargo (under the control of the Rockefeller family)
  4. J.P. Morgan Chase (Morgan family)

These groups are predominantly Rockefeller, and in some cases the Rothschild family.

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS), established by Rockefeller as the world's strongest private bank, is the largest bank in the world, including the FEDs in the US, the Bank of England, the Bank of Italy, the Swiss National Bank, The Bank of Germany, the French Bank and the Bank of Canada are also owners. "

The "Global Headquarters" of the Bank of International Assets (BIS) is located at the summit of Alpine Mountains in Basel, Switzerland, covered with dense snow and dense forests throughout the year. The town of Davos where the Bilderberg meetings are held is also in the same region.

It is surprising that headquarters is in Switzerland, but it is no coincidence. The formation of the headquarters here was decided decades ago by the elite of the Foreign Relations Council (CFR), the core organization of global capitalism and headquartered in New York.

The reason for choosing this place is to come together by hiding them from the outside world and to make highly confidential decisions without drawing attention. The "Alpino Lodge" of P-2 Italian Freemasons is located near the headquarters of the International Assets Bank (BIS), located in tens of thousands of acres of woodland. Near the site of the P-2 Lodge, there was also "Nazi International", the main battlefield headquarters where Adolf Hitler took all the decisions and led the battle before and during World War II.

The African Command Army, located in the Horn of Africa in Djibouti Autonomous Republic, which the US has set up to carry out its secret operations in Africa, actually appeared in Switzerland in 2011. Undoubtedly his task was to secure the International Assets Bank (BIS), the P-2 Italian Lodge, the P-26 Swiss Lodge, the Swiss Bank and the Zionist World Organization Center (ZWO) in the same region and to carry out operations in the secret world of Switzerland.

The headquarters of the International Assets Bank (BIS) and the P-2 Italy Masonic Lodge have no road and electricity power poles. The reason is preventing uncontrolled infiltration and electronic listening. Prevention is done by using Laser High Technology.

David Rockefeller, head of the International Assets Bank (BIS), Henry Kissinger, Professor. Zbigniev has made many secret decisions with Brzezinsky and other staff and has implemented the operation. These include the Basel-1, Basel-2 and Basel-3 decisions imposed by the United States on the European Union.

Imperialist Global Capitalism is trying to impose and maintain world hegemony with these structures.

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