ARTCHALLENGE #14: Vladimir Kush

in #artchallenge7 years ago


This image puts me in the mind of a tarot card. The Five of Cups contained within the Three of Cups.

The Three of Cups signifies celebration and accomplishment, as shown by the plentiful water pouring out, and the rose in the middle of the table.

The Five of cups represents difficulty and loss. The two people are separated by the glass, their very celebration providing the walls of their prison. They are naked, vulnerable, yet separate from each other. They can see the bountiful waterfall from the universe, yet they can never touch it.

The cups they are holding bring the total number of cups in the image up to five, signifying loss. The painting reminds us that every victory and celebration contains the seeds of loss and an ending within it, as all things must come to a close.

Yet, in the background, we see the infinite sea, and see that the two glasses are on the table, their struggles as nothing compared to the bounties of the infinite universe.


🤔 It feel like we live inside an ideological cube and people fear of breaking it even when there is a whole world outside🤗

Interesting way of looking at it.

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Very interesting! Congratulations!

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