
You don't know how timely that is. I really needed that... Thanks...

And yw, it's a joy :)

You're very welcome as well. We all need to uplift one another, we never know where each of us are in our lives, when we have fallen and scraped a knee or our face is buried in dirt and grim, but we are all brothers and sisters desiring friendship and love, so it is my pleasure to give what I can, even through words, because words and intentions that fuel them have much power in this life.

If you've read my posts about the Hebrew language, then you know how much your comment resonates with me. Intentions through words, are the seeds for everything that is real. Like the feeling in me, that your vocal support and friendship generates, and like anything that will ever come from it. (B"H) And since we can either create or destroy with words, your comment also reminds me to strive to put more care into the words I choose to use, or not...

Makes me think of;

"Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world." (Yerushalmi Talmud 4:9, Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 37a.)

Thanks brother :)

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