Last Night Episode 6 - zombies painting series and story: 5 A.M.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

What would a night be like when a zombie-invasion actually happened? What would you do? What would I do?

After playing the game "Last Night on Earth" - a zombie survival boardgame - I made a series of paintings depicting the terror and sense of dread of a zombie invasion: one painting for every hour from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and how that night would feel like.

The story I'm writing here is exclusively written for Steemit! I'm also integrating (parts of) all comments given on the previous episode. Read about that below. This is how I envisioned the first zombie - and last normal? - night on earth in my paintings. I appreciate any and all (relevant!) comments, upvotes and resteems, thank you!

You can read episode one: prologue - 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. here.
You can read episode two: 9 p.m. - 10 p.m. here.
You can read episode three: 11 p.m. - midnight here.
You can read episode four: 1 a.m. - 2 a.m. here.
You can read episode five: 3 a.m. - 4 a.m. here.

Little update on the series, as I'm enjoying them so much and getting some great feedback, I'll be posting the final 3 paintings with story one by one, instead of 2 at once. More episodes: more tension, enjoy! :)

Episode six.

Enjoy. Or be afraid.

Last Night: 5 A.M.

The churchbell had struck four times and I found myself, all alone, in a marketplace. Not all alone, technically - I was surrounded by flesh-eating zombies, hungry for my brains. I had my axe and would defend myself in this ultimate battle.

"It must be horrific to be a zombie feeling hungry all the time," I thought, desperately seeking for a way between, under, over, or even headlong through the approaching ghouls.

It is always the darkest just before dawn. And then I noticed, far away to the north-east there was a shimmer of morning light. A glimmer of hope. The darkest black had faded to the deep dark blue-purple of sunset.

I closed my eyes and got ready to ravage, or at least die trying.



I opened my eyes again and I saw Shotgun Steve in front of me, with Lynn next to him.

"What were you thinking, running off like that!?" he shouted, smashing the head of an approaching zombie with the heel of his rifle.

I couldn't believe my eyes, Shotgun Steve and Lynn had made it through the alley. I wanted to hug them but Steve pushed me away, swinging his rifle against another up-and-close zombie: "Get off me, we'll deal with the niceties later. We gotta get going, things are getting desperate now! To Suzie's Bar 'n Grill!" And with that both Steve and Lynn dashed off, and I followed, once again.

We got through the marketplace unscathed. There was now only one road separating us from the safe-place Suzie's Bar 'n grill: Main Street. Steve glanced and when I saw his face turn pale white, I knew we were in for trouble - big time.

"Looks like a horde coming this way," he whispered, "a horde of zombies, all moving about at the same pace. We can't fight our way through so many zombies. It would be like going up against an avalanche. There's just no way. We're fucked."

"What if we let the horde pass without them seeing us?" I asked. "Let's try to find cover, wait it out, sweat it out."

"What'd you have in mind, chum?"

"Hide in one of them, if we're lucky," I pointed across the streets - there were abandoned cars all over the place.

Steve's face had gone a little less pale. Lynn said: "Let's try it. When the horde's passed, we move. I'll inform Mark and Cisco over the walkie-talkie. We're so close."

The three of us found cover inside the the first car we found - a SUV which had plenty of room - and we sat still while we heard the horde pass. There must've been hundreds of those creatures passing us, moaning, grunting and shuffling their lazy feet while were there, and made ourselves as small as possible. It was the longest hour of my life.

When I thought everything was silent, and the horde had passed, I no longer wanted to look sit still, and I looked out of the window. Some roamers still followed. With a jolt the walkie-talkie crackled: "Hey guys, it's Mark here, what's your situation? Come in."

One of the roamers slowed down and turned his head. It came towards the car.

"Guys? I repeat, it's Mark here, what's your situation, respond!" cracked the walkie talkie again. "Shut up, Mark, the roamers found us!" Steve yelled into the walkie-talkie as we got out of the car, dashing between the last zombies of the horde. "We're coming, brace yourselves for the horde!"

I heard a distant clock strike five o' clock.

Are you afraid? Intrigued? Fascinated? Wondering what the night will bring?
Episode 7 continues the story, going to 6 a.m. ... coming tomorrow! Thanks for reading & watching!

Bonus: if you read the previous episode and comments: I took a quote from every one of the comments of the previous episode and integrated them in this episode: "It must be horrific to be a zombie feeling hungry all the time" by @deemarshall; "Things are getting desperate now" by @fractalizer and "no longer want" by @steemitboard (whose awesome comments start te get pretty difficult to write into the story..!).

I will try do the same for the next episode. So, leave a (creative) comment and see how your comment gets written in Episode 7 (coming in roundabout 24 hours). I'm thinking how I can redistribute some sbd for the most creative comments. Can't promise, we'll see. Thank you!


Very nice !!

This is terrifying now! It looks like you won't make it to the grill. Maybe the car will start and you can drive it at the horde.
Good story. Can't wait to find out what happens!

Thanks yet again! :) It's weird as I have never foreseen a story with this much continuity in the series of paintings. Guess it works somehow :)

Ooh, @deemarshall... I'm looking to integrate the comments into Episode 7... The main character, Steve and Lynn are so close to the safe-house and your comment just... sent somebody into the horde?

God, I hope (s)he survives...

Excellent (albeit unexpected) input at this stage, Thank you! :)

I love love love the art work (they look like alien zombies) Your story is well written but my attention span is off tonight and honestly I am zombied out. I don't watch the walking dead anymore; Michonne was my fave.

I still like it but it went to a paying channel where I live. The trailer's out for season 8. Marty's art is better though, I agree!

I've outgrown the gore and endlessness but yes Marty's work has more interest depth and imagination and for me it conjures up a more sophisticated other worldly experience.

Thank you, that made my day! >bows< :)

(((((( <3 )))))))

Thank you very much - I understand being zombied out :) too much is just too much

I stopped watching Walking Dead as well - at first it was great psychological thriller, but the guts and gore ever since that governor made me lose intrest. The comic books were great in the beginning as well. Thanks for commenting!

My pleasure. Thank you for sharing!! Wonderful work!!

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