🎨Large scale watercolor portrait

in #art6 years ago

For quite long time I was holding into smaller size arts, lack of space and time took it's toll.
And for all that time I was craving to make something bigger, to let my hand flow with brush, water and paint.
Since been working with several galleries in my home town, making art for sale and going to office work that has no touching point with art, smaller size art was something that it's considered and much quicker for work.

But, last days I decided to make a cut, said to galleries, you have enough paintings, now I am doing something for my soul.
Been buying some papers lately that I had never used before, Rosaspina Fabriano, that have smoother surface and yellowish color. So decided to try them out in size 50x70 cm.


Idea was to make several portrait works with free color flowing and with stronger use of spots.
Here is presented first of them, two more are in work process.

I will show you several steps starting with initial drawing that was made just as starting point for further building of painting with color.


As you can see drawing is just few lines, didn't want to bother with it too much since I had idea of making drawing with gradient building of colors.
First steps of work never look so nice, but that doesn't disappoint me since I know how process goes.


Usage of larger amounts of water on this 300gr paper can be tricky since you get those up and downs and painting looks pretty wrinkled. But with further work it get's better. Not as you work on 600gr paper but also those melting moments would not look same on heavier one.

Here are some details of finished piece, just to see how color reacts on this kind of paper.
Also, if you want to get this kind of effect you need to wait for color and water dry until some point or if you are going with another layer, paint needs to be totally dry.



This moment of wrinkling can be prevented if you wet whole size of your paper and than wait to become dry to proceed with work. Also, my experience showed me if you do that, colors won't have such freshness and juiciness like on non-used paper.
Here is final piece 50x70 cm size.


More to come soon since I am having a great time finally with letting color flow.


And if you are watercolor lover you can check out @marty-arts, @jnart and @jungwatercolor post at @water-art. We are small group of watercolor artist spreading our love for watercolors.


amazing! I love your work with stains... my portraits are reslistic, but they miss something special.. your artworks are original and has its own magic :)

Thank you @marty-arts, this is something I love to do most. Even when i do oil painting portraits I tend to do them in spot manner. And in watercolors it;s just like a song to me :) I am happy you like it :)

The work of a master! Absolutely love it!!

Thank you master @reinhard-schmid, I am still padawan but hope one day I will become Jedi :)

I love it, it's as if recalling someone from a dream and their face begins to refocus. I love your technique with watercolour and it is fun to do larger pieces.

I tend to do more physical canvas larger scale in the Summer as I have access to my summer studio and a place to make a huge mess, during the Winter my in house studio is smaller but also it's nicer to have digital then when I want to stay warm and snuggled at my desk in a corner with a fire and hot tea :) But, come Summer, I like a large canvas. I've been thinking of doing some really big ones for fun this Summer and it'll be fun to share it with Steemit.

Know what you are talking about space and studio, I dream of having place where I would leave all my work and just close the door and come back later to continue with work.
This large scale work brings joy to me, haven't done them for some years now @donnadavisart.
And you should let yourself into it, just as a small break from other things.

It is on my Summer List. This time of year I really like to do big garden projects and then by June it gets warm and I am in full Summer Art mode, more of my day is spent doing digital and physical art. :)

Чаробно, @jungwatercolor. Увек кад видим твоје радове питам се којим си чудом завршила на некаквом бирократском послу…

Hvala @lighteye ..E duga je to prica..a najvise ima veze sa zivotom :( Ali radim punom parom da se jednog dana oslobodim i tih lanaca ..

so beautiful! I love the detail of the mouth, it's really impressive ^_^

Thank you Silvia, I am finally enjoying since i love large scales but as I believe you know they are hardest to sell. This time I am thinking it's time to think about some exhibition :)

Very colorful, light and airy. Thanks for explaining your process.

great work - I just ran into this in time (on someone else's wall)
upvoted and resteemed

Thank you @thermoplastic, it's hope first one in serial I intend to do in the future.
Thanks for resteem :))

Congratz, your post has been resteemed and, who knows, will maybe appear in the next edition of the #dailyspotlights (Click on my face if you want to know more about me...)
Check the rules of the Daily Spotlights if you want to nominate someone!

This is true beauty!
Amazing art my friend👍
Keep up the creativity!

Hvala za info :)
Dolazim :)

Moracu sa novim, ali kuvam taman nesto jos bolje od ovog tako da vidimo se sutra, prekosutra @ivan.atman :)

Moze, samo ti pomalo, imas do 15'tog vremena :)

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