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RE: Working on a new piece: The Tree

in #art6 years ago

That is a wild image. I think it has potential to go in many many differing directions, if you let it. That can sometimes be fun, to be able to do whatever you want, however you want, to get there. If there IS a final 'there'. Art is so cool, in this regard. Yet, I see why you have to have some 'rules' for the children. Otherwise, things just go where they want, and getting a handle on them would be difficult, like a ferret down the drainpipe to the outdoors and beyond. As you say, can't have that all the time, as nothing would be coherent, or maybe even ever be finished. I see advantage to both, at times. I'm sure my somewhat random writings would benefit from some of this 'parenting'.

I fear I am more in the 'toppled mess' end of things. At least in writing. Often not knowing where some things are 'going', until they get there at the end of their creation. They often start with an idea or photo, but head out on their own. But I love your discussion of the art as a child. And as for eccentricity, I say hear hear and go with it. (Or should that be here here)?

I so enjoy your discussions and writings about your work. You have such a way with the word. They remind me of a conversation I could be having with you, if I was sitting in a chair across from you in your studio, rain spattering on the window panes, smell of divine tea brewing in the pot, discussing the painting child of the artist. Oh, the joys of life from afar and away through the written word.
Well, I'm off to eat, have a most wondrous night.

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