There are people who spoil all the mood when ordering some kind of art, rejoice that the dozens of your previous customers turned out to be good, kind and adequate people!

in #art6 years ago (edited)

There are people who spoil all the mood when ordering some kind of art, rejoice that the dozens of your previous customers turned out to be good, kind and adequate people!

Of course, there are only one such people, but there are. Situations were very different.

🔥At time, mummies with children (Yazhemat!) Called on the phone and made hysterics about the fact that they have a child. And I had to quit my studies, work and all my affairs, to take the order for 500 rubles. You would have seen with what displeased face one mother came to me later. I almost threw money at me.

🔥 One lady in general has merged, having blocked me in networks and having not given me money.

"My girlfriend made me a scandal from scratch, because I did not draw her mother like that. Of course, I did not get any money again (only a symbolic sum for the materials), and I also lost my girlfriend.

🔥The customer once wrote me 20 angry messages about the fact that he saw a friend of the same postcard. And it does not matter that my idea, and I post cards for New Year on 20-30 pieces.

And you know, at such moments, you are happy that dozens of your previous customers turned out to be good, kind and adequate people! And with some of them we made friends and communicate well ☺️

Maybe you've had similar stories? 😅

Бываю люди, которые испортят все настроение при заказе какого-то арта,, радуешься тому, что десятки твоих предыдущих заказчиков оказались хорошими, добрыми и адекватными людьми!

Конечно, таких людей единицы, но есть. Ситуации бывали самые разные.

🔥Порой мамочки с детьми (Яжемать!) звонили по телефону и устраивали истерики по поводу того, что у них ребёнок. А я должна была бросить учебу, работу и все свои дела, чтоб отвезти заказ за 500 рублей. Видели бы вы, с каким недовольным лицом потом прилетела ко мне одна мамаша. Деньгами в меня практически кинули.

🔥Одна дама вообще слилась, заблокировав меня в сетях и не отдав мне деньги.

🔥Моя подруга устроила мне скандал на пустом месте за то, что я не так нарисовала ее маму. Денег я, конечно же, опять не получила (чисто символическую сумму лишь за материалы), да и подругу потеряла.

🔥Заказчик однажды написал мне 20 гневных сообщений по поводу того, что увидел у знакомого такую же открытку. И не важно, что идея моя, и открытки я на Новый год продаю по 20-30 штук.

И знаете, в такие моменты радуешься тому, что десятки твоих предыдущих заказчиков оказались хорошими, добрыми и адекватными людьми! А с некоторыми из них мы подружились и хорошо общаемся ☺️

Может и у вас бывали подобные истории? 😅


Woooow....sooooo cute and lovely girl... Awesome dear beautiful friend andrianna

Many thanks!!you managed to take a picture of a beautiful waterfall)

Your stories are so nice...

this is not a story, it's the truth of life!
"Tomar ghore bosot kore koi jona" - I never heard this song. when I have time, I'll listen.

“This is amazing! Beautiful! Interesting! Enjoyable!”

Thank You! you take a photo from instagram :) why do not you take a photo yourself. if you like the photo so much, then you will get good pictures.

Sister i think your drawing hand is so creative, you continue your art you will have great artist in the world, carry on sister @andrianna

Posted using Partiko Android

many thanks! I also hope so =)
I like the photo in the library =) and I also like cats photos

Thanks dear,always with you

Posted using Partiko Android

Amazing art

Thank you!
your nature photos. they are beautiful
I adore the sky. I very often take pictures of the sky.

Wow !beautiful girl and good art my dear friend @andrianna
The beauty of this art beggars description......
Wish you all the best my friend.

Many thanks! I like the photo that's in your blog! so many delicious food =)

Fall in love in her face... It's truely awesome.

Posted using Partiko Android

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