In the sky only talk and talk about the sea and the sunset ...

in #art6 years ago

Let not so, but next time will be better 😼

Materials: watercolor White nights, tablet for watercolor

In the sky only talk and talk about the sea and the sunset ...

There they talk about how fucking great it is to watch a huge fireball, how it melts in the waves ...

And barely visible light, as if from a candle, burns somewhere in the depths ...

I know that I have disappeared and my posts are no longer so interesting. I scold myself every day for this, and each time my hands do not reach to put a stack of accumulated material 😑

All because I work - work, draw - draw, but here's the time to bring my thoughts and material for the profile in quality content is sorely lacking, like the electricity Zemfira 😂

Attempts at the same time to finish the video on YouTub, edit new photos, shoot art, make a course in criminal law and an abstract in forensic medicine and prepare for the session - they lie like a house of cards, and in powerlessness I do nothing.

But things themselves will not, and it's time to find a motivator to move on 😰

Пускай не очень, но в следующий раз будет лучше 😼
Материалы: акварель Белые ночи, планшет для акварели 

 На небе только и разговоров, что о море и о закате...
Там говорят о том, как чертовски здорово наблюдать за огромным огненным шаром, как он тает в волнах...
И еле видимый свет, словно от свечи, горит где-то в глубине... 

Знаю, что пропала и мои посты уже не так интресны 😒 каждый день ругаю себя за это, и каждый раз руки не доходят выложить стопку накопившегося материала 😑 

Все потому, что работать - работаю, рисовать - рисую, но вот времени привести свои мысли и материал для профиля в качественный контент катастрофически не хватает, как электричества Земфире 😂 

Попытки одновременно доделать видео на YouTub, отредактировать новые фото, отснять арты, сделать курсач по уголовному праву и реферат по судебной медицине и подготовиться к сессии - валятся как карточный домик, и в бессилии я не делаю ничего 😭🤦🏻‍♀️ 

Но дела сами не сделаются, и пора уже найти мотиватор, чтобы двигаться дальше 😰


Nice work of art @andrianna

thank yoiu!

Hey this is a great piece of art. Really moody and colorful. dreamlike!
Why are you not making content for dTube too or do you also upload your video to dTube ?

have a nice day and keep doing your great work :)

I make a video and sometimes write on the dtube :)
Thank you!

amazing drawing, you are very talented

Wow @andrianna do all that you say in your publication? how do you do so many things... I can barely draw and perform my duties as a mother.

Your painting is very beautiful.

to be in time. you need to study well to pay less for your studies, I help my parents. I can not refuse to draw. because I like to draw, it's part of my life. I also draw pictures on order and for Steemit :)
here you have even more work. I believe that being a mother is very responsible. it's not like drawing (today I paint and tomorrow I do not) I have to be a mother every day, every minute) so I do not want to become a mother yet :) I want to spend more time with my favorite work and study :)
Happiness and health to your child!

Yes of course, being a mother is a full-time job and when you decide to have a baby you will see that it is rewarding ... but as you say when you fulfill all your dreams and goals it is better to make that decision. 😉

I also love to draw, of course I'm not as good as you but I try to improve in each of my drawings. I wish you the best in your studies and that you continue doing wonderful works here in Steemit.

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