
in #anonymity6 years ago

In a dystopic future someone will come at your home and raid you if you have offended them. You will be chased half way around the world by NSA because might be Snowden 2.0. But most likely you won't have to worry about this. You are anonymous in some social media platforms and only choose a few ones like linkedin to reveal who you are - a pretentious asshole that just wants a job.

In this space we calls social media, everyone that is themselves pays the price for not being like everyone else. There is a standard that has to be upheld and it has to do with how most people would like you to behave even if themselves are not that model of human being. Foul language, hurting someone else's feelings, expressing an idea that might not be to the liking of the current trend, all these can get you banned and your name marked forever. You can be the greatest person in the world but if you fuck up once with your name then everyone will remember you for that act.

Orwell got it all wrong. There won't be any great police to censor your language because we will all be doing it to each other all the time. There won't be any great government to show us how we should act because we will manage to fasten our own chains to our feet for the sake of being accepted into this shitshow we have come to known as "society".

The irony is that nobody wants this but everyone is willing to judge another superficially as means for survival. There is just too many people, ideas, concepts and we have to compromise our ever lazy attention span to brief news titles and acts. We have to absorb an impression of something and so we end up with crucifying someone with a negative aspect because there are so many others who have positive ones. It's a fucked up, fast paced impressionism but it is what it is.

Anonymity, even if it creates a concept where one can be whoever they want, one usually becomes who they really are (or at least close to it). And we choose with that identity to partake into a clusterfuck of information exchange, reinventing ourselves after memes, personas and one another so that we can survive. We milk from each other any kind of information we can use while satisfying our social aspect as well. We are products being sold to one another, glued to screens, slowly killing our bodies so that we exist into an ephemeral world of pleasure.

Life has ended from the time we picked up a fake nickname and jumped into the cyberspace to socialize with the projections of similarly desperate individuals. And we all had to up to one point. We can't really stand our human nature, our flaws, character, ideas and beliefs and so we try to groupie together like primitive apes so that we can woo the ones outside the circle.

And it won't get any better.


It will never get better. Humanity is doomed . And that's not even taking into consideration the robot invasion when ai takes over the world

If you already are, how can you become what you already are?

Anonymity, even if it creates a concept where one can be whoever they want, one usually becomes who they really are (or at least close to it).

Methinks your premise is a clusterfuck.

The one you are in real life vs the one you are via your online persona.

As opposed to who they want to be?

If we're the problem then we're also the solution.

We see it happening.
There won't be any great police to censor your language because we will all be doing it to each other all the time.
Is there anything we can do? Unplug in an attempt to grow our own wisdom?

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