Infinity Stones will run for EOS Block Producer

Hello, EOS Community!

Infinity Stones is based on silicon valley. It provides both cloud management services and cybersecurity protection for blockchains. Its core technology team is composed of Ph.Ds from world-renowned academic institutes and leading industry companies, such as Google, Oracle, UBS Investment Bank, and Georgia Tech.

The company’s cloud service system provides a single point of access to its users, to manage multiple nodes in different cloud environments, automate software provision and node deployment, and monitor blockchain dynamics and cluster health.

Also, the company’s cybersecurity service provides protections on both blockchain system and dApp layers. The blockchain layer security protects the nodes running the EOS software from malicious attack, hence establishing a secure and reliable public chain that guarantees the liveness and high availability. The dApp layer security automatically audits the open-source smart contracts running on the EOS through fully formal verification, hence preventing the DAO similar attack on the EOS.

1 Public website URL and at least one social media account


2 Links to the following ID information

A) Official block producer candidate name
   Infinity Stones
B) Location of company headquarters
   Silicon Valley
C) Expected location of servers
   US-West, Eu-West
D) Type of servers
E) Current member list

Judy Yan: Managing Director of Danhua Capital. She graduated from MIT. Ms Yan is an active blockchain investor for many years. In Danhua Capital, she has led the investment of Brave (Basic Attention Token), Nuco(Aion), Orchid Protocol, Nucypher, Zillqa, Aelf, Origin Protocol, CertiK, and few more. Also, she is the very early investor of the world-leading crypto fund such as Polychain and Pantera.

Dr. Zhengyu He: Staff Software Engineer and Manager of Google Infrastructure team, Ph.D., Georgia Tech. Co-founder and Tech Lead of gVisor, a sandboxed container runtime. Over 10+ years’ experience in cloud security, operating system, and high-performance computing. He has led a team to provide cyber security protection for the Google Infrastructure.


Dr. Zhenwu Shi: Member of Technical Staff C3 IoT. Previously Senior Software Engineer at Oracle, Ph.D, Georgia Tech. Over 10+ years’ experience in IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems. Also, he serves on the Editor Board of Cyber-Physical, and the Technical Program Committee of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, and IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conferences.

3 Estimate of technical specifications and total expenditure for resources by June 3, 2018

Machine Type: Google Cloud n1-megamem-96
Machine Num: 2 machines. One master, and one standby.
CPU: 96 vCPU
RAM: 1.5 TB
Storage: 2T SSD (15.000 IOPS, 240 MB/Sec read/write)
Backup: Cloud Storage
Machine Location & Pricing: us-west1-b: $5,452.77/month, eu-west1-b: $5,999.54/month

R&D: $500,000 on to develop hybrid cloud management platform and cyber-security systems

4 Estimated scaling plan for hardware after June 3, 2018

Once the load of our GCP node reaches beyond 80%, we plan to migrate to Microsoft Azure M128ms in two different zones. The new machines double the spec of these used originally in the test.

Machine Type: Microsoft Azure M128ms
Machine Num: 2 machines. One master, and one standby.
CPU: 128 vCPU
RAM: 3.8 TB
Storage: 4TB SSD
Backup: Azure Storage
Machine Location & Pricing: us-west- 2: $11,173.42/month, eu-west-1: $27,275.14/month

5 Community benefit project outline, only for projects expected to be public by June 3, 2018

1 The Infinity Stones has assembled a strong technology team of Ph.Ds and Faculties with world-class academic tracking record and leading industry experience. By leveraging these relationships and tracking records, the Infinity Stones can help expand EOS’s influence in the academic community and industry by hosting a series of seminars and workshops in world renowned research institutes as well as industrial meetings. It is a way of marketing EOS to both academia and major enterprises.

2 The Infinity Stones is incubated by Danhua Capital. Danhua Capital is a leading VC investing in cutting-edge technologies, which has over 100 companies in its portfolio across both USA and China. Danhua Capital has invested and is currently incubating a large number of dApp projects that can migrate to or develop a version based on EOS, which will help build up the EOS’s ecosystem.

3 The Infinity Stones’ top-talent experts on the Cyber Security and Cloud Service can help EOS build up a secure and reliable blockchain platform in the following ways. 1) Analyze system level security holes and publishing periodical security patches to protect all block producers from malicious attacks, and 2) Provide highest-level security auditing for all dApps running on the blockchain. The Infinity Stones is very excited to collaborate with EOS on building up the verification tools for the dApps running on EOS.

6 Listing of Telegram and node names for community testnet participation.

Node name:

7 Block Producer Candidate Roadmap on values, community project timeline, finances, transparency, or any other topic the candidate deems important.

2018 Q2

  • Announcement for Block Producer candidacy
  • Server setup for test net and main net launch
  • Security facilities setup
  • 2018 Q3

  • Partnership announcement
  • Cloud service platform release
  • Organize seminars and workshops globally
  • Research on EOS ecosystem
  • 2018 Q4

  • Collaboration plan for EOS and other blockchain companies
  • Budget and finance plan review
  • Server extension
  • 2019 Q1

  • Verification tools for EOS blockchain
  • Security and cloud service platform enhancements
  • Server extension
  • 8 Position on Dividends (The sharing of Block Producer inflation rewards with unaffiliated voters, AKA "vote buying.")

    Infinity Stones will never offer payment to EOS token voters for any reason, including Block Producer elections and worker proposals. The goal of Infinity Stones running as a block producer is to boost the EOS ecosystem. We will try our best to use block producer rewards to develop our start of art cloud management systems and enhance the security level of the server.

    We also believe one of the best ways to utilize the token rewards is to benefit the EOS community by organizing seminars and workshops, as well as exploring the potential collaboration between EOS and other blockchain technology firms.
    We will report the usage of the rewards transparently and publicly every quarter to the EOS community.


    @infinitystones, congratulations on making your first post! I gave you an upvote!

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