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RE: Sea Gull Ponders

What Seagulls Ponder

  • I wonder where my next meal will come from.

  • Maybe if I stand here long enough I will find my next meal.

  • The big blue wet thing is really big, blue and wet.

  • Is my next meal in there?

  • Didn't I get a meal out of it before?

  • Maybe I should fly closer to the big, wet, blue thingy to see if I can see my next meal in it.

  • Or maybe I should just stand here and watch and see if my meal comes to me.

  • I wonder if the big, blue, wet thingy delivers?

  • What is that noise? My stomach is talking to me! It says I haven't had a meal in a while and it wants one now.

  • I don't think the big, blue, wet thingy is going to help me.

  • Maybe if I just stand here a little longer my meal will appear.


Ha, ha, ha @glenalbrethsen. I just knew if I wrote that title you'd come up with something like this. You simply can't resist can you? 😂

It's absolutely brilliant! I love it!!! 😍

I hope other people get a chance to read it.

I've ran across one inland about 50 miles where we live. It was in a Safeway grocery store parking lot and it was obvious that the only thing on its mind was food. The problem was the year before someone had dumped a bunch of bread (all torn up) in the middle of the parking lot and a whole flock of seagulls had found it. So that's what it was probably remembering, made the whole flight in to find it and there wasn't anything. Since I'm not at Safeway every day I can't say with any certainty that there's not bread every day just strewn in the parking lot, but I'm pretty sure that's not normal.

So, anyway, that was the inspiration behind my comment.

I'm glad you liked it. :)

Sometimes I do manage to resist, but this one needed to be answered. :)

Well I'm very glad you didn't resist and I've given your comment a plug in another post I've prepared so I'm hoping more people will get to enjoy it. 😊

Sea gulls are a real menace where I live. As I mentioned to someone else . . .

They're noisy and messy and are quite aggressive in their habits. They will snatch ice creams from kids hands. Not fun!

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