I've done a few animal posts and introduced my kitty but this here is my beautiful bunny Onyx!!

in #animal7 years ago (edited)

So i love my kitty Bellatrix but my other cuddly little fur baby is little (or not so little) Onyxxx!!

She's a 3 year old (supposed to be) Mini lop. though i fear they may of lied about her breed as her ears aren't lopped and there is nothing mini about her.


My ex partner and I got Onyx when she was a wee baby and could fit in the palm of my hand. It wasn't my idea to get her but she was the runt of the litter and we were worried she may end up in unfortunate circumstances. also she was cute as hell. see below.


I remember the day she turned up at my door and i instantly fell in love, i snatched her up close and she was shaking and scared and just cuddled her in my lap. The second i saw her i knew we made the right choice to get her. I spent the rest of the night playing and cuddling with her and looking up how to care for her best and what can be dangerous for them or what foods they can/cant eat. Little did i know she was a small labrador and would eat anything.

She can be a bully to my cat or any animal for that matter, but she also loves to make friends, she loves people and she has many animal friends. As long as they don't annoy her...

onyx and dog.jpg
onyx and iluka.jpg
onyx and cvhester againm.jpg

When i used to come home from work she would run down the hall and meet me at the door, running in circles or figure 8's around my feet which was lovely ( i think shes too lazy for it now) She had the run of the house, shes always been an indoor bunny but i take her out to play in the grass whenever i can. sometimes i put her on a lead but she hates it so now we just wander down the footpath while she eats every flower in sight.

onyx in flowers.jpg
mmmm yummy flowers.

When she was around 6 months old we took her to get de-sexed ( as all responsible pet owners should). I was quite scared as rabbits can react badly to anesthetic, but she came though fine. When we went to pick her up the vet told us that for the first time in his life he had to do some liposuction/fat removal because there was too much in the way of her uterus. Approximately 300 grams out of a 3.5kg rabbit. He said she wasn't necessarily overweight but it wouldn't hurt if she lost a little lol.

She has had a few small health problems, like one of her teeth doesn't line up with the others and sticks out a little like a snaggletooth. Because rabbits teeth grow their whole lives they need to grind against each other to wear down so we have had to have her tooth ground down with tools to help stop it growing too long.
She also developed a large sore on her stomach and neither us or the vets could figure out what from, it essentially turned into a giant scab. we had to rub cream on it twice a day everyday to heal it and ever since it healed she has had a patch of white fur on her stomach, just another odd little uniqueness to her.

She has so much personality and wont take no shit from no one. especially me. If i try and tell her off she will growl and scratch at me, if the cats go in her territory she will run at them and bite them on the bum or stomach, if she doesn't like you she will scratch at your feet. if she wants pats she will come up and shove her head under your hand.
She will eat anything she can get her hands(or teeth) on. The amount of times i have had to google " is it okay for my rabbit to eat-insert term here" is ridiculous.
A small list would be cardboard, chocolate,flour,marijuanna,lollies,shoes,pizza,chicken(yes chicken!)potato chips,cereal, the list goes on.
Below is a picture of what i came home to a few weeks ago when she got into a packet of tempura batter...

onyx with batter.jpg

We are best friends, she comforts me and cuddles with me when im upset or crying, we go for walks in the park and coffee dates together, i take her to get her nails done and her hair brushed, she sits at the computer with me and on my lap while im on Steemit for cuddles. Oh and she snores, like loudly. if i could record it and put it here i would, but i love it its just another quirk.'

She is one of the best things in my life if not the best and she can always make me smile. she comes to me when i call her name and i can just tell she loves me as well. I don't know what i would do if anything happened to her and the thought of anything bad happening breaks my little heart. My life just wouldn't be the same without her and i hope she lives as long as humanly or rabbitly possible.
Coming home to her everyday is the highlight of my day and if you think that's sad then you can go fuck yourself because she has more personality than most of you basic bitches.


I leave you with a picture of my two babies together. one of the only and very rare times they have happily sat next to each other in peace.

If you like my stuff please upvote follow or resteem

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Love it @bigdizzle91 you can never have enough animals. Not sure I have room for anymore at present but will show this to the wife and hope she likes the idea of a lapbunny😂

never enough! haha, theres always room for one more small animal :P

She looks so like my own late Mini Lop, just gorgeous!

Awesome man! I think people underestimate how important it is to interact with animals everyday.. they can teach us so much and they have nothing but love to give.. pretty much a win win.. :)

too true! and they're so beneficial to mental health as well. theyre just great.

Absolutely! My dog helps me deal with my ptsd. He literally saves my life..

Awwwww and i think this might just be the best post i have read all day... I love animals to crazy and i so stick with you on them being loyal than most humans....i have three dogs and they make my day everyday....They love you for you and are not looking to gain nothing from you..well except food..lol....I dont know how it feels to have a cat or abunny but i can so relate with the lovely feeling

amagad 3 dogs? haha that is heaven. i so desperately want a dog but i live with other people so i need their consent first. having a rabbit is alot different to what i thought it would be. a cat, not so much haha but i like that they're independent :P

And i would kill for a cat but lo and behold my parents are sceptical about them so until i am on my own i cant have them....

sceptical about cats? haha whatttt. cats are cool. they just do their own thing and poop in one spot which is handy

well i dont know about the life style of cats but i love how they look and play too

Aww...! She's cute! 😍😃

i like to think so :)

Nice! A Bully Bunny! with sharp, pointy fangs.

haha yea shes never bitten me but i hear it hurts when they do

Yeh she doesn't look particularly mini XD and it took me a while to work out what a lop was. Really cute though :)


yep got more than i bargained for haha. all about the ears, when we first got her one ear was lopped and the other wasnt and they told us the other would lop in time and instead the lopped one became upright
i was like wtf

animals are the beauty of nature. we will care of it and its the way to save the nature .

What a cute bunny... I'm an animal lover myself so of course you get my upvote by default, that being said i can see that there is a second farm after all... you got got! ;)

you sonofabitch hahaha. i will never sell the farm!

Onyx is so sassy :) First time I held a bunny, he peed on me ...I felt as if we were bonding 😁

It is my dream to be surrounded by so many animals like you are @bigdizzle91 :) Consider yourself very lucky!

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