Gigantic Goat with Fantastic Prices / Kambing Raksasa dengan harga Fantastis
Hi steemian ...Good Afternoon.. .
Let's walk with me and see what i see... greetings from me for you who are there..
Hai steemian.. .Selamat siang.. .
Ayo jalan jalan bersamaku.. . salam dariku buat kalian yang disana..
Now I'm in the animal market, but I have not gotten around to pulling my bike off. I've been stunned by a goat.
Sekarang aku sedang berada di pasar hewan, namun belum sempat aku menepikan motorku aku sudah terpana pada seekor kambing.
This is not her ordinary goat she is very big and mighty, walking beside me and her body looks very big.
Ini bukan kambing biasa dia sangat besar dan perkasa, di berjalan di sampingku dan badannya nampak sekali besar.
And I heard the price is 6 million rupiah, wow it's a fantastic price ordinary regular goat prices only 1.5juta.
Dan saya dengar dengar harganya 6juta rupiah, wow itu harga yang fantastis biasa harga kambing biasa hanya 1,5juta.
He's so big his body is about the size of a buffalo boy, it's hard to find a goat that's up to that big.
Dia sangat besar badannya seukuran anak kerbau, sulit untuk menemukan kambing yang ukurannya sampai beginj besarnya.
He is not evil looking normal just like any other goat.
Dia tidak jahat nampak biasa saja seperti kambing yang lain.
Thank you Allah , thanks for all of you.. .
Terima kasih Allah, terima kasih untuk kalian semua.. .
Thanks @paul-gillbanks and @bullionstakers > @whalepower
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