Introducing Zona Tai Chi – Here we are on Steemit!

In english:

Hi everyone! 

Zona Tai Chi is a place from which we promote the philosophical principles of Tai Chi (or also Taoism), contributing to improve physical, mental, and spiritual health. However, beyond Tai Chi as philosophy and Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art, we want to show that its bases apply to all areas of life, achieving greater peace, serenity, focusing on the constant gift that gives us the Universe, TODAY.

We also want to share with you our first experiment: Zona Tai Chi in Wordpress

Why only Tai Chi? And the word "Chuan"?

Although the expressions "Tai Chi" and "Tai Chi Chuan" are often used, they are not exactly the same. Tai Chi is, for Taoism, a universal principle: shows us how the great system (the universe), and the small system (ourselves), work. By living in Tai Chi, we immerse ourselves in the harmony of the cosmos.

Tai Chi Chuan, on the other hand, is the experimentation of these principles through the discipline of the martial arts, which mobilize our inner energy.

There is another way to move that energy: Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is an ancient discipline, the result of much research, which can recover energy balance and therefore health.

In the West something funny happens: in our quest of discovery, for some time we have done valuable and comprehensive studies of the benefits of Tai Chi Chuan. We put it under the microscope. And we have found great things! On the other hand, to Traditional Chinese Medicine, despite our gradual opening, the West has described it as magic, and ritual.

Zona Tai Chi wants to flip things: get back to the mystical Tai Chi Chuan, rescue for him the magic inner quest, pilgrimage, of mystical personality that we have all noticed in movies arts Martial And at the same time, we consider positive the idea of systematizing our vision of the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine, making it more accessible to everyone.

Thank you all for being there!


¡Hola a todos!

Zona Tai Chi es un punto desde el cual promocionamos los principios filosóficos del Tai Chi (o también, del taoísmo), contribuyendo a una mejor salud física, mental, y espiritual. Sin embargo, más allá del Tai Chi como filosofía y del Tai Chi Chuan como arte marcial, Es mi deseo mostrar que sus bases aplican a todas las áreas de la vida, logrando mayor paz, serenidad, enfocándose en el regalo constante que nos da el universo, el HOY.

Quiero compartir contigo nuestro primer experimento: Zona Tai Chi en Wordpress

¿Por qué sólo Tai Chi? ¿Y la palabra "Chuan"?

A pesar de que suelen usarse las expresiones “Tai Chi”, y “Tai Chi Chuan” sin diferenciarlas, en realidad no son exactamente lo mismo. Tai Chi es, para el taoísmo, un principio universal, nos muestra cómo funciona el gran sistema que es el universo, y el pequeño sistema que somos nosotros mismos. Al vivir el Tai Chi, nos sumergimos en esa armonía del cosmos. 

El Tai Chi Chuan, por su lado, es la experimentación de estos principios a través de la disciplina de las artes marciales, que movilizan nuestra energía interna.

Hay otro modo de mover esa energía: la Medicina Tradicional China, la cual es una disciplina milenaria, fruto de mucha investigación, que permite recuperar el equilibrio energético y, por ende, la salud.

En Occidente nos pasa algo curioso: en nuestro afán de descubrimiento, desde hace tiempo hemos hecho estudios fructíferos, valiosos y exhaustivos de los beneficios del Tai Chi Chuan. Lo puesto bajo el microscopio. ¡Y hemos hallado grandes cosas! Por otro lado, a la Medicina Tradicional China, a pesar de nuestra paulatina apertura, Occidente la ha calificado como mágica, y ritual.

En Zona Tai Chi queremos voltear las cosas: volver al místico el Tai Chi Chuan, rescatar para él la magia de la búsqueda interior, del peregrinaje, de la mística personalidad que todos hemos podido notar en las películas de artes marciales. Y a la vez, consideramos positiva la idea de sistematizar nuestra visión de los beneficios de la Medicina Tradicional China, haciéndola más accesible a todos.

¡Gracias a todos por estar allí!


It will probably be better if you just kept it more simple Like say this is the place to promote Tao or Dao. This will include everything including Tai Chi theories, TCM theories, etc....

Are you similar to Qi Gong?

Hi! thank you for asking! I'll try not to be similar to other's blogs, because I'll talk about my own experience: my traveling through these matters... You see, I have been studying tai chi chuan, chinese medicine and taoism so many years. I hope you to read my texts and discover it! So glad to read you!

Glad to see you @Zonataichi I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me !

Thank you! Done! I'll read you since now!

Welcome @zonataichi aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.

Im looking forward to seeing more from you so I had to hit the follow button. Im a student of kung fu as well. Steem on steemiteer


Hi! soon I'll post something very interesting, I hope you like it!

hello~ zonataichi, Upvote & Follow is ou great strength.
Let's try to get along.

Thanks! We'lll see each other around here!

I am excited to read your future posts. Good luck and welcome! Please consider checking out and @minnowsupport. It is a great community of individuals that will help you get started and can answer all of your questions.

Hi! I'll visit them right now!

A new Steemian :-) hello @zonataichi I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, Wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Hi, @tradewonk Thank you for your welcome... I really like this community and I hope I can share a lot with everyone!

Welcome to Steemit community, nice to meet you.
I am very happy to share with you, I invite you to follow me at @chantha, Thank you, hopefully in the future we can share in this best community and can support it.
I can not wait for your best postings. See you ...

Thanks, now I follow you!

Welcome to the amazing world of steemit. Followed. Follow me back 😘

Thank you @kassie-vegas... I follow you now...

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