untold stry: Mimikatz hackes stole worlds password.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Five years ago, Benjamin Delpy walked into his room at the President Hotel in Moscow, and found a man dressed in a dark suit with his hands on Delpy's laptop. hillarious isn't?

Just a few minutes earlier, the then 25-year-old French programmer had made a quick trip to the front desk to complain about the room's internet connection. He had arrived two days ahead of a talk he was scheduled to give at a nearby security conference and found that there was no Wi-Fi, and the ethernet jack wasn't working. Downstairs, one of the hotel's staff insisted he wait while a technician was sent up to fix it. Delpy refused, and went back to wait in the room instead. And then.....

When he returned, as Delpy tells it, he was shocked to find the stranger standing at the room's desk, a small black rollerboard suitcase by his side, his fingers hurriedly retracting from Delpy's keyboard. The laptop still showed a locked Windows login screen.

The man mumbled an apology in English about his keycard working on the wrong room, brushed past Delpy, and was out the door before Delpy could even react. "It was all very strange for me," Delpy says today. "Like being in a spy film." hahahaha!

It didn't take Delpy long to guess why his laptop had been the target of a literal black bag job. It contained the subject of his presentation at the Moscow conference, an early version of a program he'd written called Mimikatz. That subtly powerful hacking tool was designed to siphon a Windows user's password out of the ephemeral murk of a computer's memory, so that it could be used to gain repeated access to that computer, or to any others that victim's account could access on the same network. The Russians, like hackers around the world, wanted Delpy's source code.

In the years since, Delpy has released that code to the public, and Mimikatz has become a ubiquitous tool in all manner of hacker penetrations, allowing intruders to quickly leapfrog from one connected machine on a network to the next as soon as they gain an initial foothold. Thats the story about mimikatz.

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