Globalization and culture

in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Globalization is a special phenomenon in the human civilization that continues in the global society and is part of the global human process. The presence of information and communication technology accelerates the acceleration of this globalization process. Globalization touches all aspects of people's lives. Globalization also creates new challenges and problems that must be solved in an effort to use them for the benefit of life. Globalization itself is a term that appeared about 30 years ago. And started popular as a new ideology about the last 20 years. As a term, globalization is very easily accepted and known to all the people of the world. Globalization as a process is characterized by the development of science and technology until it is able to change the world fundamentally.

The process of globalization was initially characterized by advances in the field of information and communication technology. The field is a driver of globalization. From the progress of this field then affect other sectors in life, such as politics, economic, social, cultural and others. A simple example with internet, parabolic, and TV technology, people from any part of the world will be able to access news from other parts of the world quickly. This will be the interaction between the world community at large, which will eventually affect each other, especially on regional culture, such as culture gotong-royong, visiting sick neighbors, and others. Globalization also affects youth in everyday life, such as dress culture, hairstyles, and so on.

The existence of globalization raises various problems to the existence of regional culture, one of which is the decrease of love towards the culture which is the identity of a nation, the erosion of cultural values, the occurrence of cultural acculturation which further developed into mass culture, loss of confidence, -Baran, and loss of kinshipp. This happens because eroded by technology and sophisticated information.

Globalization and Culture
Globalization has begun to be felt since the end of the 20th century, has made the world community, including the Indonesian nation, must be prepared to accept the reality of the influence of outside influences on all aspects of the nation's life. One aspect that is affected is culture. Culture can be interpreted as the values ​​(values) adopted by the community or the perception that is owned by citizens of the community against various things. Globalization in culture can grow rapidly, this is because influenced by the speed and ease of obtaining access to communication and news.

However, this is a distinct boomerang and becomes an important issue in globalization, namely the fact that the development of science is controlled by developed countries, not developing countries like Indonesia. Those who own and are able to mobilize international communications precisely the developed countries. As a result, developing countries like Indonesia are always worried about being left behind in the flow of globalization in various fields, such as politics, economy, social, culture, and our art. International communication and transport have removed the cultural boundaries of every nation. The culture of each nation tends to lead to globalization and become a world civilization that involves humanity as a whole.

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