Hollywood the fantasy

in #hollywood7 years ago


There are certain aspects about certain movies that also bring out the prejudgments and the bias views like American History X. American History X is a movie about the Vineyard's, a white family who s police father is murdered by a black man. It becomes then that the oldest son. Derek becomes angry at the world of race, and calls minorities Social parasites and enrages on about how we, the White America give them the chance to live their lives in limits only the sky puts and end to Then the minorities screw it up and kill us physically and as a united nation. "Europe's ancestors made it for centuries in America before the black man came without a problem. explains an upset, young angry Derek Vineyard, with younger brother Danny watching. Certainly, there is something wrong with this though, because simply. everyone is a human being, and unfortunately a lot is limited for minorities in America. This movie displays how a man who hates and hates, eventually kills a black man, and does 3 years n prison for it. In prison, his job was to fold towels and his towel Holding mate is a black man. He eams a lot from him and is even helped by him. Eventually he learns that people with the same beliefs on the outside as him. end up being the same ones who beat him up and m while in prison. Same kind of white people as he, and yet there wasn't a thing he could do about it, because anally induce hi traditionally in prison, if you don't make friends you can get killed. You would also allow yourself to be outnumbered in the beginning with swastika tattoos all over your body. His towel, friend who was of African-American ancestry, explains how he got 6 years for armed robbery. It was funny how Derek only went three years for murdering a black man. The towel buddy tums out to be his hero however, as he is the one who sees something in him and talks to his jail "gang" into leaving him alone. When you are in prison. it is best to associate yourself with some kind of group, so you aren't an easy target to kill and push around. In this case, the white man was attacked. Even by his Swastika brothers. His enemies, specifically the black minority, were at his back now. without him realizing it were the ones holding his life in the palm of their hands. The towel folding friend kept him from getting killed by the black men in prison. They certainly didn't enjoy his swastka tattoos. The black man's one request was to save some for the broth az next time. When he came out of Prison, things had changed for him. yet on the other hand, his little brother Danny followed in his footsteps and continued the hatred that was against those who killed his father. Eventually the older brother is out of jail and he tries to teach Danny that he is making a mistake. He shows how he has seen the lightness of opposite races, and how even they helped him live to today. Unfortunately the hate has gone too far causing Danny to be murdered by a black boy from his school. This was from a previous conflict in the school bathroom, where Danny blew smoke in front of the black boys face in front of his friends. And the movie has a good psychological point where it displays through the film that the white people discriminate and limit the chances of other races, and the other races get fed up with it. Then we make fun of the minorities and begin to hate and insult, and its hate that causes the hate. He ends up being shot because he was hated. It was the black boy that showed his hatred by shooting the white man that was hated because he hated the black boy in the first place. Now, in the end, there are two of the immediate family dead Both are due to hate, hate that could have both been stopped. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone a over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely hey will be, by the better angels of ou nature, To bring up a contradicting movie, which is a personal favorite of mine, The Boondock Saints is a movie about hatred within the white race. The movie takes place in downtown Boston and holds the site of what has been believed as an organized crime Mob war between the Irish, the Russians, and the Italians, People are being killed left and right and the Russians think they own this and the Italians, they own that, but two men are there to stop that The Irish brothers. Connor and Murphy, nicknamed the Sai S. Were granted God's permission to get rid of the scum in South Boston, They go on action packed killing sprees of bad men, all of whom which are white. This is one of the first movies n which I was able to see the "indifference of good (white) men".which in the beginning of the m ovie is quoted as the greatest evil by a priest in a South Boston Church, However, it's funny how this is what considered, one of the greatest plots in a film have ever seen, and yet it isn't a common story like other movies are, Certa inly, American History X is a little bit more popular than The Boondock S It's probably because no one cares to rage in the media about a movie that shows ki gs within the white race. "There are varying degrees of evil We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over o true corruption, into our domain," Murphy (younger brother) The media most definitely has influenced our portions of America. Since day 1 the white man has not been 00% acceptable with minorities, and since day 1 the laws have changed, but the outcomes have not With the problems in the city of Milwaukee these problems permi and are a result of a society that is not willing to accept change, nor grant opportunity, Ibelieve that many of the public's view on minorities are similar to those of the young man in American History X, where the minorities are social parasites. At least, that is what believe started this whole mess, why else aren't suburban paren ts allowing their children o the sons and daughters schools? Why do we have to let them, why can't they? My ho ome city is a subject of amogance and a happening that has been resulted by an indirect hatred and racial battle, Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream one day, and as of the 1960's a lot has changed but still his dream is not complete. And to go with the other movie. The Boondock Sai s, it is apparent that obviously white people can be urderers and live low lives as well. Th public ails to realize that, or chooses not to, especially in the city of Milwaukee. Sometimes the indifference of good me which becomes the greatest evil, can be present in any man of any race. In some of the music we listen to, we are given the words of a man who came from the "Gangsta's Paradise. Coolio talks about how he was educated and had money on his mind but wasn't allowed to do so, and he was caught chasing dreams. This very much reminds me of the chapter 220 Milwaukee because th people who aren't selected to go into Chapter 220 almos ose hope as time goes along, because their dreams are not nearty as accomplishable as those who are receiving better education. And who is to say they are subject to have any hope when the white people control their destiny? They are manipulated and told where to go and where not to go as far as education and life in Milwaukee. Minorities are not allowed to engage in being the majority or equivalence of a school system. Districts like S are not allowi g this to happen. e MPs rate of college students is 15%, why should they be given the chance to dream, ifmore than likely itis not going to happen? That is just mean, and it slaps them n the face as a result it becomes a situation that can't have any other solution and how are these s ouls supposed to make the oney? And can we really blame them for hating us? would be jealous too.

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