STEEMCHURCH: Tilt your life to God

in #steemchurch7 years ago


Hello to all the community, this time I want to talk about how to tilt our lives to the Lord despite the things that we are going through. Although many times we have problems, difficulties, needs in all areas we must learn to rest in the Lord. He teaches us in (Proverbs 16: 3)

Leave everything you do to God, and your projects will come true.

What more beautiful words the Lord has left us, for the majority of people for the cares of life we forget this, we seek in one way or another to try to do things for ourselves and maybe they do not happen as we want, today you I want to remember that if we put God in the first place, everything we do will go well, as long as it is his will, and I mention this because many times we want everything to happen at our convenience and the Lord does not work in this way.


For example, if we take a scale and begin to put aside the problems that bring us day to day and on the other hand the things that God teaches us through the Bible, learn to rest in it, to trust in his word, to Having peace in the midst of the storm we can come to the conclusion that the whole weight of the glory of God will be greater than all the aforementioned.


It is not easy to live in the flesh but every day we must strive to please God more, try to do things well, give our best, if we read the scriptures we realize that Paul encourages us to take into account that the tribulation It is mild. It is a consolation to know that it is not with all intensity. We should look at the positive side. You can always find something positive. When we have no earthly solution left we can look up to the heavenly level and find consolation.

But we have to have the right perspective - a perspective of God's future. When we look at it in this way we see that any pain, any experience, any pain is light compared to the great weight of the glory of what is to come. And what's more, the pain has somehow prepared us for that weight of glory. What seems unbearably heavy will now look like a light and momentary, when we look back to it from an eternal perspective. When Paul suffered affliction his focus is not on the weight of the affliction, but on the weight of the glory that was to come.


No matter what you are going through as believers, we must have "our eyes on Jesus, the author and consumer of the faith." (Hebrews 12: 2) Thus we have the confidence that what happens is not by chance. There is an all wise God who is behind everything. He knows what he is doing. In Romans 8:28 Paul said: "And we know that to those who love God, all things work together for good, that is, to those who are called according to their purpose."

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