short story (DONT CALL OUT HER NAME)

in #story7 years ago (edited)

"She can bring you luck. She can bring you fortunes. She can make your dreams come true. You just need to call name."

Darkvina lived alone in the bayou. To get to her, one needed a boat and directions. Some say she was blind in her one eye, she wore an eye patch. Others say she could see things that were not meant to be seen with that eye. She did not want money for her services, she would ask for favours or gifts. She could give you whatever you want, on condition, you gave her what she wanted and when she wanted it.

Jenifer heard about this individual and thought it would be amusing to go to her and make Daniel fall in love with her. Within days, Daniel was love struck. Jenifer did not hesitate to share her secret with the rest of her classmates. A few weeks later, Jenifer mysteriously disappeared without a trace. An investigation is carried out.

Every school has a mean girl. Evelin was the popular, spoilt top achiever. No one and nothing could come in her way, until Mary, a new student attended the school. Mary was a loving beauty, intelligent overall and a people’s person. Overnight she became popular. Evelin became last season. She did not take it very well and decided to visit Darkvina.

Evelin calls out, “Darkvina! Darkvina!” and later in the day, was given directions to Darkvina, by a mysterious man. She drove her car into the bayou and had to walk through mud. She reaches a boat and paddles into the direction of the dark waters. Evelin noticed that the boat moved automatically without paddling towards Darkvina’s hut. When she arrived at the door step, there were bones hanging all over the hut. For a moment, Evelin wanted to turn back, but felt an external energy drawing her into the hut.

Evelin was startled to see Darkvina. She was draped in bones and all sorts of dried meat. Darkvina calls her by her name, “Evelin you need my help. I can give you what you want.” Evelin feels extremely uncomfortable and begins to tell Darkvina that she wants to be popular again, most of all she wants to get rid of the new girl. Darkvina gives her some powder and tells her to mix it in the foundation make up that the new girl Mary uses.

Evelin happily takes it. Darkvina grabs Evelin’s hand and tells her that once it works, she will know it is working and must return to the hut for the payment. Evelin was prepared to pay immediately. Darkvina told her that she does not want her money, when she returns, she will discuss what Evelin owes her. Evelin leaves the hut and returns home.

The next day at school, Evelin gets her friend Catherine to help her distract Mary, while she mixes the powder into Mary’s make up foundation. The next morning, Mary attends school as usual. Unfortunately, with a huge pimple on her cheek. As the day progresses, it got bigger and bigger. Mary went home early from school. She was developing a fever.

Mary was lying in bed and could feel a tingling sensation. She got up and went to the mirror to see this huge mess on her face. It popped and thousands of tiny beige spiders ran out. Mary passed out in shock. When she awakes, her skin was clear and the pimple was gone. Evelin was in her glory, the last she had seen Mary was at school with a huge pimple on her cheek. She immediately made her way to Darkvina for phase two.

Darkvina refuses to help her. She needed to pay back first. Evelin was too happy to return her favour, not realising that the favour was to deliver a set of blue eye balls from a human to Darkvina. Evelin refuses Darkvina. Darkvina became very angry and said to Evelin, “if not then I will have to use yours. There’s no escaping, I know where you live. I know more about you than you know about yourself.” Evelin was terrified and returns to the boat and leaves the dark and creepy bayou.

She had to deliver the eye balls before the sunset. The next day, Evelin goes under the bridge to see if she could find her victim. There was plenty of drunks under the bridge but none of them had blue eyes. Evelin does not go to school and wonders the rest of the day trying to do the deed.

A young man spots Evelin walking and offers her a ride. She jumps in the car and takes him home and lures him into the house. This unfortunate soul had piercing blue eyes. She makes him comfortable and excuses herself. She returns with a baseball bat from behind and beats him on his head repeatedly, killing him instantly. She does the deed and places the eyes in a jar and then cleans up the mess.

Evelin returns to Darkvina with her request. She gives it to her in her hands and tells Darkvina ,”I will not be needing your services anymore.” Darkvina replies, “very well then.” Evelin returns to school and becomes very quiet. Her popularity did not matter anymore. She could not stop thinking of the young man she murdered.

Mary walks into the classroom, with a clear skin and beautiful as ever. Evelin is furious and returns to Darkvina. “I killed a man for no reason, Mary has nothing on her face, you did nothing!” Darkvina tells her that if she wants, Darkvina could do something permanent for her. Evelin refuses anymore help from Darkvina and leaves the bayou and never returned.

Months had passed, she became friends with Mary and started a new page in her life. The young man’s family began to look for him. His parents put up posters and offered a reward for any information. A mysterious man gives the young man’s parents directions to Darkvina’s hut and tells them that she can help find their son.

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They enter the hut and she tells them, “I can tell you where your son is, but first I need the heart of the girl he was last seen with.” All fingers pointed to Evelin. There were many witnesses who seen her jump into his car the day he went missing.

His parents were good people, but there was no escaping Darkvina’s words and manipulations. They go to Evelin’s home and abduct her. They take her into the bayou and remove her heart and take it immediately to Darkvina. She tells them that he is no more and is buried in the backyard of Evelin. They are horrified and argue with her that she knew he was dead and why did she make them kill her. Darkvina tells them that he died at Evelin’s hands. The old couple leave heartbroken. Evelin’s body was thrown into the bayou. Her parents begin to look for her and never find her.

Jealousy is the disease of the heart that cannot be cured without loving for others what you love for yourself.

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