One Drop Of Castor Oil A Day In Eyes Can Cure Cataracts And Restore Vision

in #chainbb-general7 years ago (edited)

Has to be organic, sounds good with evidence behind it.

April 4, 2017

..even younger people are now getting cataracts from what we now understand, is due to a faulty diet.

Cataracts, as with any other degenerative conditions, are a result of free-radical or oxidative damage. In the case of cataracts is an oxidation to the protein structure of the lens, a process called glycation. The damage is likened to the process of egg white protein turning opaque when it is slowly heated (the process of glycation), working from the outer ring of the lens to the center of the lens.

Studies show that people with low levels of antioxidants in their bodies are more likely to develop cataracts. By keeping the glutathione (our body’s most important antioxidant) level high, cataracts may be delayed and cataract surgery avoided. Any other foods that are high in antioxidants are excellent to remedy cataracts, and other eye problems, from the inside out.

..Type Of Castor Oil To Use

For the purpose of this natural remedy, it is very important to use only pure (100%), organic, cold-pressed, hexane-free castor oil. It is best if they came in dark, glass bottles with a drop applicator.

Use the eyedropper to put only one drop of this pure castor oil into each eye, once a day.

We suggest that you do this at night, just before you go to bed, as with application, your eyesight may be blurred. Lying down and closing your eyes overnight allows the castor oil to do its work of healing."

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i don't think so..

Please let's be careful what we put in our eyes. They're really sensitive. As much as natural foods and co are beneficial, let's consult a doctor before using them directly.

Sure we needvto b careful but this has too many testimonies saying it's safe and it works. Most doctors are also anti natural healing so they'll either won't know much about these things or will lie so you can use their presc. instead.

Are you kidding me? I use castor oil for pain so thank you for posting this.

I'm a big believer in castor oil and it can be used for so many different things.

Agree.. sometimes people will just knock without any good reason..

Here's a testimony of castor oil healing Dry Eye condition. Number of other testimonies on utube about the oil's healing abilities:

Published on Sep 23, 2016

I cured my dry eyes by castor oil. You need to choose the right type of castor oil. I started feeling dry eyes 3 years ago. And I started using castor oil 1 year ago. Last week I came to hospital for a check. And the results were very good. My schirmer test result of 2 eyes: 29mm, 30mm. TBUT (tear break up time) is 8 to 10 seconds. My eyes are almost healed. Remember the castor oil must be:
100% organic
Cold pressed
Hexane free

So weird to see that these things can restore vision but very good for those that need it!

Yeah pretty much all the health answers are in nature always a good idea to look their first rather than presc. drugs..

Yes, nature has the answers.

i do not think I can find that in Malaysia @wilx . :(

U can order it online?

not sure. Never seen this before, because to send from US to Malaysia, sometimes might not work.
Is this a proven method? My mom's cornea is weak and not sure will that help. Her left cornea is getting worse.
Will post at prayer request later.

Seems like it does work according to what's presented, doesn't speak about the cornea tho.. no health food stores near you? Could prob find it there.

there is, but they do not sell castor oil

@wilx, Is castor oil really thick and sticky?

Honestly I don't fully remember, been a long time since I used it.

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