Between ambitious and maturity - there is a lot of patience.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

"What happened to you?" - they asked me.
"I grew up." - I said.
I've learned to hold my breath when the air ended. I've learned not to pay attention to the world ending, because It has ended for me many times, and began again in the morning.

Your "Perfect Marriage Material" person changes over time.

Especially in your beginning to late twenties. Like a spiral you build a picture of your perfect partner for life, but as time goes by, you realize that you start looking for deeper and more solid qualities like responsibility, honesty, and integrity instead of fun, charming and super attractive. You're now looking for a guaranteed future and quality of life for your kids type of marriage. You begin to appreciate a partner you can talk to about meaningful things, about your family, about your passion because as you growing up through it, the things that matter to you change drastically, too.

Find your career in helping others.

Finding the right career for you is the most rewarding gift you can give to yourself. It will give you something to look forward to and will always motivate you to grow and learn new things. It will make you a better, a happier person and you will not have to depend on love to make you happy. Its about where you lead yourself to go, and who to become. Find a passion inside you and put it on the fly. Help others - be like. Help as many people as you can. Its rewarding. I promise. You can bring to this world something that no one else can. Ask yourself how do you see yourself in 10 years. And there is your answer. Hobby - career - passion is what makes your personality grow. You have to depend on yourself, be your own hero and have your own self. Become a person of your dreams. Impress yourself, respect yourself and sparkle with notes of excitement. BE an example, be a history to live in others life, not just a story to read.

Modern dating sucks, but it really teaches you a lot .

Tinder dates? Remember how awkward it was at the beginning?...and then you became confident. You actually learned human psychology unconsciously. We all been there. Was fun, was not enough, was a lesson. Modern dating sucks but with every disaster date-s that happen to you, you learn one more thing about yourself and about that person you are looking for. You also learn that sometimes love is not enough and you have to choose being alone instead of being with someone who is not treating you right or someone who doesn't want to define relationship. One thing you have to remember, in order to move on, you have to take caesars and cut it off... Feelings, addictions, attachments and anything that is less than the best. The sooner - the better. Even when it seems like the world crashes without this person, let it crash. To fulfill the bottle with a clean water - you need to empty it first.

Invest in a few good friends.

Your friends will be your support system forever. The better friends you have, the easier your life will be. Good friends will get you through almost anything in life. Pick them wisely and you will always find someone to lean on when life gets tough. They will be your main backbone. Friends is your background and your support. Appreciate it and be there when they also need you. One things I've learned for sure - you are your own best friend. So be there when you need yourself.

Settling is average. Choice is not.

Don't date someone just because you've been single for so long or because all your friends are married. Don't stay in relationship that is not good for you because its comfortable and don't hold on to someone who doesn't love you the way you deserve to be loved. If you have doubts about dating someone or not - start with friendship. "Forever alone' fear, "nobody will ever love me like this" fear, stereotypes - bullshit. One day - someone is going to love you all the fucking much-es. Patience is growth. Love or Fear? Choice is yours.

Takes two to tango. Master Solo first.

When you're in an unsteady place in your life, it makes you count on the relationship or a person as the main source of your happiness and makes you follow your partner's footsteps without stopping to ask yourself if that is what you really want. That is exactly why you have to build yourself and lead yourself to the point where you follow and guide your own solo. Getting to know who you really are and what you really want doesn't happen in one day, as disappointing as it only comes with growth through time. By the time you will be a grown up and mature person, you will set up your own principles and respect yourself for being such an adorable you.

Kids are not the answer.

Having kids does not mean you secured a spot in marriage paradise, If anything, its the ultimate test to determine how strong the marriage is. People who have kids when they are not ready are really just setting their marriage up for disaster.
Child is a gift. Thing is, sometimes you have to be ready for the gifts that life brings you.

You will not "lose" your married friends.

I think this is the biggest misconception - that you will not be talking to your friends who got married before you did. Once they pass their honeymoon stage, everything will be back to normal and they will still be a phone call away. More important though is, - don't try to get a relationship or marriage just because your friends are. You are unique and your destiny is different.

Learn to walk alone. Solitude is priceless.

You can means you will. You can get your dream job or buy that house or travel to this country without anyone's help or approval. When you are growing up without being committed to anyone but yourself, you truly have the world in your hands and you can just do whatever the hell you want and become whoever you want. Being independent is a wonderful thing that will make you rich in so many ways. Solitude is a blessing we take for a curse. Solitude is a void. Its nothing and its everything. You own it. Its yours. Solitude is that point in life, when we go further from churches, people, things - the annoying noise, and come closer to the God, light energy, peace - that is when you learn to be happy with a person you will spend the whole life with - yourself. You - within.


My point is to make you understand one ridiculously important thing. IF you didn't learn to find your happiness within, you will not find it in your marriage/relationship/parties/friends/job - anywhere, No matter how far you go - you have to take yourself with you. If you didn't find love when you're single, you will not find love when you change your status - financially or heart-wise. People are told that finding happiness with someone or something - is what makes us complete, but the truth is nothing can complete you, but YOU, your experiences, passion, intelligence, your strength and your faith. So don't look for someone to make your life better, don't look for someone to complete you. You have all the resources to build your own self and satisfy all your needs.

Spirituality is the first step - the last step - and everything in between.

Spirituality is the unconditional love within, no matter the religion. I've learned one Law of the Universe, the secret. It says " Love - is a way of living, Love - is our true existence, Love - is a path for the soul". Make sure you pack your bags with things, you can take with you, at the end of life.




Wow. This is such a beautiful piece. You hit the nail right on the head. I mean it spoke volumes to me. I love it and thank you for sharing

Thank you so so so much! I really appreciate your comment=)))

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