in #food7 years ago (edited)


It's a little late for thanksgiving this year but can just about get in for Christmas, for any vegans or raw vegans struggling to think of something to do for Christmas thats different and festive this looks magical by Cara Brotman. It does look a little complex but it is Christmas :)

A healthy alternative for people transitioning to a vegan diet but still used to the traditional taste and texture, Cara Brotman offers:

Stuffed Un-Chicken Kiev


1 cup frozen organic corn

1 tablespoons minced onion

1 tablespoon thinly sliced celery

1/2 teaspoon sage

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

1 tablespoon olive oil

salt and pepper to taste

3/4 cup sunflower seeds soaked for at least one hour

1 tablespoon minced parsley

Mix stuffing ingredients in a bowl and spread out evenly on dehydrator solid sheet and dehydrate for 1 hour at 118F 45C.
Next add to food processor with a little olive oil and nutritional yeast if you have and pulse chop a few times till blended well.

“Chicken” Wrapper

1 young thai coconut

1 Tablespoon Olive oil

1/2 teaspoon Nama Shoyu or Soy Sauce

1 minced garlic clove

Open your coconut and with a spoon scoop out meat as you turn coconut so you end up with one piece of long coconut meat.

Marinate few hours in olive oil, soy sauce and garlic. Cut about a 5 inch long piece of the meat and add a little of the stuffing to the bottom and roll up. Place on dehydrator seam side down and repeat with remaining coconut meat and stuffing. Any extra stuffing can be spread out evenly on a solid dehydrator sheet and dehydrated for a few hours or until desired texture. Dehydrate stuffed UN-chicken for at least 3 hours.

Dark Turkey Meat

1 cup lightly packed of your favorite mushroom ( Chanterelles, oyster, porcine or maitake work real well)

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 teaspoon nama shoyu soy sauce or other soy sauce

2 tablespoons good water

Mix liquid ingredients in a bowl.

Gently tear mushroom in half and half again making thinner pieces of the mushroom, not smaller, just evenly thin pieces and add to marinade ensuring all slices are coated. Lay out on dehydrator sheet and dehydrate for one hour on 118. When ready to serve stack pieces on top of one other creating a slice of "turkey" that is flakey, juicy and melted of the "bone”.

Recipe and image image source

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