Artificial Intelligence - Computers that think?

in #steemstem7 years ago

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Today the market for Artificial Intelligence technology is booming. There is a wide variety of articles published related to the subject. But what do we know about Artificial Intelligence?


Artificial intelligence is a branch of computing made up of techniques, advanced programs and electronic circuits that seek to make decisions and solve problems imitating the functioning of the human brain. The model to follow is based on how human beings act and reason.

Its objective is to create computers capable of solving problems of different types, incorporating the necessary knowledge in each case to solve it and making the developed programs learn from the activities carried out and the mistakes made.

The term "Artificial Intelligence" appeared for the first time in 1955, and was introduced by the scientist John McCarthy who defined it as "science and ingenuity". to make smart machines, especially smart computing programs ".

John McCarthy in 2006

Artificial Intelligence has been incorporated into a wide variety of activities and field. The economy, medicine, militia, engineering and videogames use it today. Also activities such as language translation, recognition of writing, patterns and speech, systems control, automatic planning, diagnosis of banking client transactions, among others.

Artificial intelligence can be found in many places, from industries that use smart robots to perform their processes, to a simple elevator with the ability to decide which floor is closest or which button was pressed first.

Epson Robot for the production (Source)

In the area of games, several programs have been developed whose objective is to defeat the human being. In the game of Checkers a program called Chinnok was created in 1989 at the University of Alberta, which won the Checkers's world championship in 1994. Deep Blue is another example of how artificial intelligence can be found in the area of games. This program could beat the world chess champion in 1997 Garri Kasparov.

Deep Blue Supercomputer (IBM) - Located in the Los Alamos National Laboratory
Installation 1996 (Source)

The need to automate industrial processes, as well as to automate military applications and even space exploration activities, have been the main objectives of the development of robotics. Robots with the ability to make decisions and not only to perform repetitive activities.

Opportunity the robot that takes ten years on Tuesday (Source)

Self-portrait of October 2012 made by Curiosity on Mars itself. (Source)

Intelligent Robots which can make decisions and have the ability to control the process in real time. (Source)

Artificial intelligence every day is more involved in the daily life of man and in that same measure is learning and exceeding our capabilities. There are those who believe that Artificial Intelligence will be at the service of humans to significantly improve their quality of life. Contrary opinions express that can become a great danger for the human being, because they affirm that these intelligent systems lack feelings and ethics, which prevents them from choosing between good and evil, keeping in mind that their behavior is programmed and does not obey the rationality. Controversies exist in the subject are many and are expressed by great scientists and experts in the field.


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