new partnership for global lot connectivity

in #blockchainnews6 years ago

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The bitfury group has announced their investment in a new startup for internet of things lot connectivity called moeco. bitfury as one of the worlds largest blockchain companies sees the moeco model as an excellent application for their technology services .

The moeco platform is designed to allow lot users to connect to a global network of integrated lot cells and even to create their own cells in order to become in house service providers . bitfurys exonum a new protocol from the blockchain tech giant will allow the moeco platform to move manage and store data .

The proliferation of lot devices has created a situation where widespread connectivity is becoming critical . the intention of the moeco platform is to uberize connectivity on the lot . dmitry gorilovsky the ceo of the company explains what that implies . the idea is to crowdsource lot connectivity . it results in natural motivation for every participant lot device owners get decreased maintenance costs and lower initial investments , gateway owners receive reward for transferring data from lot devices . so it is uber we need to make sure that lot data is being delivered securely to the correct destinations and that gateways are being paid .

As the rate of data production rapidly increases and the need for connectivity increases making a system where lot users and smart device owners can monetize their connectivity will created a new way for devices and owners to partner together on a peer to peer p2p basis .

It also needs to be done in a decentralized way by utilizing benefits of the blockchain tech . moeco also works on bluetooth . so any smartphone can be made to work as a mobile gateway it collects data from the hybrid bluetooth sensors nearby . smartphone owners or smartphone app owners can then get revenue for transmitting data from the sensor to the cloud gorilovsky further comments .


now time to globalization so you can do anything

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