Everything you need to know about Bitcoin, its mysterious origins, and the many alleged identities of its creator

in #technology7 years ago

Joshua Davis, who spent four months researching the possible identity of Bitcoin's creator for a New Yorker story, says he's deeply curious about how the cryptocurrency's creator feels about its success.

"Every time I see a news post about the rise of the value of the Bitcoin, I wonder if Satoshi is seeing that too. What’s he thinking? Is he proud? Is he thinking that, at some point, some day, he’ll finally reveal himself?"

If "Satoshi Nakamoto" hasn't revealed himself by now, it's unlikely we'll ever know who is.

They're a genius

In a New Yorker article from 2011, a top internet security researcher describes Bitcoin code as an inscrutable execution that nears perfection: "Only the most paranoid, painstaking coder in the world could avoid making mistakes."

They speak fluent English

Nakamoto has written extensively about Bitcoin, authoring close to 80,000 words on the subject in the course of two years. His work reads like that of a native English speaker.

They might be British

Judging by their spelling, and their use of British colloquialisms (they refer to their apartment as a "flat" and call the subject math "maths"), it's thought they might hail from the UK.

The timing of his posts seem to indicate this fact as well: It's been pointed out that Nakamoto posted during UK daylight hours.

They might be more than one person

The foolproof brilliance of Bitcoin's code have left many wondering if it isn't the work of a team of developers. Bitcoin security researcher Dan Kaminsky says Nakamoto "could be either a team of people or a genius."

Source: https://www.businessinsider.in/Everything-you-need-to-know-about-Bitcoin-its-mysterious-origins-and-the-many-alleged-identities-of-its-creator/On-Tuesday-Bitcoin-hit-a-record-high-How-does-its-creator-feel-about-its-success/slideshow/61895873.cms

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