League of Legends - Game Review - Game mode Twisted_Treeline LOL#4

in #gaming7 years ago

 The Twisted Treeline is the second classic League of Legends map. It typically features faster, bloodier matches with an emphasis on ganking and small scale skirmishes. You achieve victory by pushing your way into the opposing base and destroying the enemy nexus.  


Twisted Treeline Minimap

The battlefield includes these elements:

  • Two bases, one for each time, at both sides of the battlefield. The bases have a shop, a nexus, and one turret that defends the nexus.
  • Two slightly curved that connect the bases of both teams.
  • Turrets that defend the access to the bases.
  • A jungle populated by neutral monsters of varying degrees of toughness.

Twisted Treeline Altar

  • Two altars located on both sides of the jungle.
  • A Ghost Relic, which is a health pick-up located in the center of the battlefield. It replenishes 94-315 health and a small amount of your ability resource. It also grants a brief speed boost. Spawns at 3:00 and respawns every 90 seconds.
  • The epic monster  Vilemaw's, whose camp is located to the top of the top lane.

Each champion starts the game with 850 gold.The mana regeneration of champions depends on the amount of mana they have left. The lower their mana, the faster it regenerates. A champion with 0 mana left regenrates mana 150% faster than a champion at full mana. A champion with 50% of his mana left regenerates just 75% faster, and so on.

The jungle

Twisted Treeline’s single, centralized jungle offers multiple access routes to both lanes, promoting fast ganks and aggressive counter-jungling. Junglers on Twisted Treeline typically engage enemy players early and often, coming to the aid of either lane, or leading the attack on the opponent’s altar. Expect plenty of action in neutral areas on this Field of Justice.


The jungle contains two capturable altars that provide a bonus to the controlling team. Holding a single altar grants additional gold for each minion kill. Holding both altars simultaneously grants a substantial attack damage and ability power bonus.Capturing an altar causes it to enter a locked state for several minutes, preventing enemy players from seizing control.Altars are sealed for 90 seconds after being captured. Controlling one altar provides a +10% bonus movement speed. Controlling two altars restores 1% of maximum health on minion or monster kill.

Exclusive Items

Twisted Treeline Shopkeeper

Some of the items available in the shop are the same as in Summoner's Rift, but others are different. In particular, it's worth noting that there are no wards available. The items available only in the Twisted Treeline are:

Important timers

  • Minions spawn: 1:15
  • Minions meet: 1:37
  • Jungle monsters spawn: 1:05
  • Ghost Relic spawn: 3:00
  • Altars unlock: 2:30
  • Vilemaw spawns: 10:00
  • Surrender time: 15:00


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