How to Change WordPress Admin Login URL for Security?

in #wordpress7 years ago

During the installation process, WordPress creates two default login URLs. Wp-admin.php and wp-login.php.

To make your WordPress site secure you can change WordPress username, Setup a Two-factor Authentication and more.

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Why change WordPress login URL?
3 Reasons why you should create a custom URL:
How you can change WordPress Login URL?
Why change WordPress login URL?

Your domain name and WP-admin could be easily added to URL and you are hacked. So do not take a risk and make an extra layer to protect your site.

3 Reasons why you should create a custom URL:

  1. Protection against Brute attacks:

Security is undoubtedly the main reason for webmasters to change their login page – changing login URL protects against the most common type of website security breach, a brute force attack. A hacker only needs your username and password to access your site. When you change your login URL. So make a complex password that you can remember it easily.

  1. Hide WordPress Vulnerabilities:

On one hand, the size of the WordPress community means we have lots of good people working hard to fix any problems. On the other, and largely because of the number of websites covering WordPress news, any security vulnerability gets a lot of press. When news of a known vulnerability breaks, the malicious hackers instantly know where your defenses are potentially weak.

By changing your login URL, you’re protecting yourself against a tell-tale sign that your site uses WordPress, thus distancing yourself from any known problems. This alone won’t keep you safe, of course, but it’s an easy place to start.

  1. Rebrand the Entire Login Screen:

To be safe and protective from hackers and to solve this problem many webmasters prefer to switch the default login screen for something more aesthetically pleasing. Hence, they design a custom WordPress login page, complete with a brand new URL.

How you can change WordPress Login URL?

It can be changed with the help of a plugin. There are a number of plugins you can add and download:

  1. Custom Login URL

  2. HC Custom WP-admin URL

  3. WPS Hide Login

WPS Hide Login is the plugin with super lightweight. So it won’t slow down your website. The plugin doesn’t delete the default URLs; it simply makes them inaccessible. Instead, users will access the WordPress admin via your newly created URLs. This is advantageous as, should you wish to delete the plugin, your website will return to its former state with the default URLs.

Download WPS Hide Login plugin and Install and Activate the plugin.

The next (and final) step is to navigate to Settings > General. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you should see a WPS Hide Login section. In the blank field, write your desired WordPress login URL. Then, hit Save Changes. And then when you attempt to access the default login URLs you will see the message stating “The Page is not Found”

When you try to Login to visit your chosen URL you will see the old login screen.

It’s also worth pointing out that your new login URL can cause problems if you’re using a caching plugin. To solve this problem, the plugin developer states that you should “add the slug of the new login URL to the list of pages not to cache.” This isn’t necessary for WP Rocket users, as the two plugins are already fully compatible.


From a security perspective, it’s a good idea to change your WP-admin login URL to make it hard for hackers to guess. This will strengthen the security of your WordPress blog to a great extent. At the same time, if you are running a multi-author blog or using it in a way where you and others need to regularly interact with the login and registration page, use the other plugins to change the URL.


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